Recent content by bowel_of_chiley

  1. bowel_of_chiley

    Still at my 'family' home and imprisoned

    I feel as if I'm the only one in this situation. I had to leave uni in November 2004 due to a breakdown and I've been living at my mum's ever since. It's got to the point that I can't progress as an 'adult' unless I get off the benefit, back into paid work and ultimately out of my mum's house...
  2. bowel_of_chiley

    Bad illegal drugs and their impurities

    I recently took ecstasy for the 2nd time, the first time i did it i snorted pure mdma, and my comedown wasn't half as bad, which makes me realise what impurities were included in these 'pills' i.e. ketamin, mcpp, mda, amphetamine etc. I did somewhere in the region of three to five pills, some of...
  3. bowel_of_chiley

    Despair and Hope

    I'm agoraphobic, I have no more than three friends, I feel isolated the majority of the time, that's probably why I send these useless posts. I get too wrapped up in this shit, when I know that life could be simple and full of different people. To be honest, I appreciate my own company a lot...
  4. bowel_of_chiley

    Relationship ends, reality hits hard

    Earlier this month, I got together with a beautiful woman. Last Tuesday, she tells me we need to finish. We talked for hours about why we wouldn't work and amongst floods of tears, I started to accept her reasoning for her decision to break it off. She also suggested that we would stay friends...
  5. bowel_of_chiley


    Hi, Just wanted to raise the subject of what is, for me and undoubtedly many of you guys, my main trigger for anxiety these days. There's a bit of a 'long story' behind why I've got to this place in my life, so I hope I'm not gonna bore you all. I'm lonely as hell, sometimes to the point of...