Recent content by BIG_FRINGE


    who am i? (not copying the who r u thread lol)

    Who am i? im everything i want to be who am i? im everything that means something to me who am i? im everything i used to be who am i? Im everything my family was before me who am i? im everything you want me to be Who am i? I am my children yet to meet me who am i? i am who i am yet to be who...

    step 1 for healing SA?

    im not sure about this, but im gonna say it. i think step one for getting over sa, is to stop over analysing everything. like the reason why this happens i think is because we look like this, or talk like this, or this. thing is about over analysing is that u can do it as much as you like, but...

    society says we have to be happy

    In modern western society we have to be percieved to be good looking, have money, have a wicked social life, be happy, be on top and be confident. when the truth of the matter is, i dont think anyone is all those things and its unrealistic to think that all the above is possible. some of us a...