Recent content by alwaysthinking

  1. alwaysthinking

    I will order the Self Sabotage and diet coke!

    Just wondering if anyone has any tips/advice on dealing with self sabotage. Thanks
  2. alwaysthinking

    Searching for a Co-Author

    I was just wondering if anyone would like to help me write a funny/satirical screenplay. Kind of like Will & Grace, but with HH/Social Anxiety. I have an idea that I've been thinking about for a while, but could use a partner(s) to develop it.
  3. alwaysthinking

    Always let them see you sweat!

    Hello Everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me with some advice. I've read through quite a few post and have no idea what to try. I've been trying to interview, but as a result of this condition the experience has been completely humiliating and I'm now depressed and really sad. In...