meeting boyfriends parents and friends

hey all im new, im not sure if this the right place to post this but i hope it is.

lets see, in the past i was frequently in treatment for my anxiety and depression and i seemed to of had everything under control. i knew exactly what would trigger an attack and i avoided those situations completely. i got my life back on track and everything was going well. but then i broke up with my finance and started dating a new boy, and started at a new school. things are very rocky and i find myself very depressed. at this new school i dont fit in, because of the anxiety i face while trying to make friends. im used to that so it doesnt hurt me too much.

so anyway, my new boyfriend knows nothing about social anxiety, and i was wondering if anyone could give me a way to tell him about it . on friday i went to pick him up from work and he wanted me to meet his friends and i couldnt do it. they came to the car and tried to talk to me and i froze up and started crying. i feel so embarassed and i cant stop thinking about it. my boyfriend even thinks i just dont want to meet anyone that matters to him. ive only met his parents once and i barely said 2 words and the whole time i was freaking out. it just really got to the point that i feel like a complete freak.

does anyone know anyway to calm myself down enough to explain it to him?


Well-known member
It took me like 6 months to tell my boyfriend about it (I think)
He knew that I was seeing a psychiatrist so one time after one of my sessions I just told him like it was. And there has been a lot of times where I've just burst out into tears about it in front of him. I figured that it was just better to tell him like it was than to have him seeing me acting all weird and awkward for no big reason at all. Luckily my bf is very understandable and sweet about it. I hope yours will be too. They will never understand how it is completely and you might have to have a few talks about this before it goes into his head properly but the best thing is to just tell him.
I know that it can be hard and it's embarrassing to talk about but I'm sure it will make you feel a lot better and your boyfriend might be able to understand you more, why you act the way you do in certain situations. He can be your support and if he really loves you he'll be there for you. I know that it's hard but you don't really have a choice I'm afraid. Good luck.
I told him after a year and a half after we broke up. He was so much more supportive than I expected. I should have told him sooner.
the hardest thing is that i cried in front of his friend. and like idk, it makes me even more worried to see him again. and i dont even know how i can explain it without making it sound trivial or like im overreacting. im at a loss