I'm having Panic Attacks.


New member

I'm having panic attacks which began when I passed out in a clothing store from being ill. I have also emigrated to another country (USA) and had some financial worries last year that I know may be the reason for these attacks as well as the passing out incident.

I have a constant feeling of anxiety, like butterflies in the stomach and I always feel detached and almost dreamlike when I leave the house. I do feel nervous about going out but I will not let it stop me from going where i want to go. On two occasions now I have had panic attacks where I feel sick, dizzy, and ready to flee, one being at a theme park. I stayed at the theme park (my husband was really supportive) and I managed to get over it and enjoy the day. I felt nervous all day but it was manageable.

I am also starting college soon and I do not want these feelings getting in the way of my education and building a career for myself.

I am now planning on visiting a psychologist as I want to try everything possible to eradicate these feelings without medication.

I would really appreciate any advice to help me along the road to recovery and I hope my story will help and inspire those who sometimes feel to weak to fight this.

Thank you.


Well-known member
Hello, princesslamb
If you think you are too anxious to live a normal life, you can visit a therapist for help. meanwhile, I suggest you can make your life busy and interesting, life is the most effective cure for anxiety. here is a few suggestion:
1. "I do feel nervous about going out but I will not let it stop me from going where i want to go", you are right to do that. Try living a normal life with nervousness in your mind, try more social situation, more relaxing chatting with your firends, try shifting your attention to life rather than anxiety itself, do not sit there all the way along, thinking how to repel it and eradicate, it is a part of yourself, you cannot forcibly eradicate it, like you can never lift yourself by pulling your hair. So try to fill yourself with life, when your mind if full of life, anxiety will have no room to stay in.

2. I don't know whether you like sports, but sports are good for the treatment of any neurosis such as generalized anxiety, SP and OCD. I suggest you to do some long-distance jogging, tennis, badminton,swimming, or anything else which need quick response and energy consuming. they can fully reanimate your muscle and rusty brain which has been long immersed in anxiety. When you are exhausted, your anxiety will also be relieved.

3.Here is some tips when anxiety haunts your mind, first there is no need to be afraid of it, you can have it as a friend, say to it "hi, buddy, you come again, have a seat", then in your mind, leave a space for it, let it stay there alone and see it playing, like seeing a film or drama. when the anxiety leaves, say to it " hi. buddy, goodbye, welcome to me next time", then long-time suggestion like this will make you more and more easy when you have panic attack.

I wish my advice can help you