I'm exhausted and cant stop crying (real estate related)


Active member
Oh wow, it sounds like you've been through a lot with this. Stuff like that is honestly frustrating and can wear you out. Kinda reminds me of the current situation at my house - we're trying to get rid of lice because of one indecent "friend" who couldn't cancel camping plans with my sister when her head was itching. Some people are just selfish. So yeah, we've lost a lot of sleep because we've had to vacuum, wash stuff, and check hair everyday. And we're all very paranoid right now :/

But the good news is - it's not permanent! There is an end to the tunnel, no matter how dark it may be. I know it sounds cheesy, but if you keep trying, you're going to land on something. Perhaps weeding through these idiotic agents is going to bring you to a really good one :) Can you find reviews for any agents online? I'd definitely review the bad agents. It actually might be kind of therapeutic XD Rant exactly like you did here about what they did. Show them their actions have consequences and be name-specific! Bad reviews are not good for business.

As for the annoying and suspcious neighbors you have now, try not to worry too much. Easier said than done of course. But really, in situations I don't like - I try to face them step by step. You have to think about it as a process rather than an awkward encounter. EG...

Step one: Acknowledge your neighbor is outside.
Step Two: Acknowledge you have to go outside.
Step Three: Acknowlegde you don't like going outside when your neigbor is there.
Step Four: Go outside and let what happens happen.
Step Five: Sort this experience into box of memories.
Step Six: Deal with it later (the anxiety, awkwardness, worries)

Okay, so step six doesn't always happen, but for some reason, it comforts me when I tell myself to deal with it later. It's not about ignoring your emotions. It's about dealing with your emotions when you're in a better perspective and place to handle them.

I hope that helps, and I really hope you find your new home soon! :)