I love my job, but...


Well-known member
I recently found out that my ex-husband, who just moved back into the same city in which I live, started a job at the same company where by boyfriend works. Not only that, but his wife will be working for the library system I work for, only at a different location than the one I work at. I sincerely hope she finds another job somewhere else she enjoys more, so I don't have to worry about running into her, or feeling compared to her. I don't dislike his wife. She is fine, but I feel almost invaded, and don't like the idea of her potentially surpassing me in the career I have chosen (it's doubtful this would happen soon, since she is in a lower position than I am, with no experience, and I am almost halfway through my master's degree, but, hypothetically, if she sticks with it, and goes to school to get a degree, she could become a manager).


Good lord. Awkward. ......and this is why scientists need to hurry up and invent functional teleportation.


Well-known member
I realized today that I am fine with my ex's wife being married to him (I am actually relieved that she was able to distract him so he would leave me alone), but I am bothered by the idea of her potentially taking a job I would want.