I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
i've been awake for one hour and i'm already sweating under my arms!

all i did was wake up, why!!!!????

i took my meds last night.. they seem too weak.. but the side effects SUCK so i'm not interested in upping the dose.

i'm healthy, fit, and I SHOULDN'T have to deal with this!!

i can't wear normal fitting clothes, but i do. i sweat through them in minutes.
i hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cry because there is no cure. i've tried everything! i have a very strong case of axillary hh and i'm at the end of my rope.

i'm sitting here with just a bra on and i can feel the beads of sweat running down my skin. it's 70 degrees in here and i'm just on the internet!

i always wear black to hide it and i'm SICK OF IT! sick of feeling the wetness!

sorry for the rant i just can't deal anymore
i wish i could burn my pores together under my arm to stop it, but thats crazy.

:x :x :x :x :x :x
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
22/f/east coast
please reply, leave a few words.


Active member
i've tried everything minus botox and the surgery.
i used drysol once but i don't think i used it correctly..

did anyone out there have good results with drysol?


Well-known member
Hi and I am feeling sorry for you,my biggest problem is hands/feet.

Actually in my oppinium underarm sweating has the most options to get rid of the sweating.If you dont wanna follow pinker advices then it is still not good enough to only try 1 or 2 antiperpirants.Go into the top of the list and se how many differnt there is.Maxim,sweat-stop forte,hydrosal-gel,odaban,etc. You have allready tried drysol,moooooove one to the next one.

Reason I am saying this is because we are not the same,one thing can work for one human being and the same one dont work for another.( vica verca(..,and they are not expensive to try out.



Active member
Hi h.h.victim, you are a survivor, just like all of us here. You're not alone in your pain. I agree with klamm that you can try and persevere in your experiments with strong anti-perspirants. Generalized h.h. is worse because you can't even hide the fact that your eyebrows or the back of your thighs are sweating. It's not easy but I'm so used to it that I'm just more stoic about things and using the tools I have that help control it and experimenting on different options. It is true that what works for one person, might not work for another, so all we can do is just be thankful we have been able to survive this far and that in the list of options might not be a cure-all, but it offers some relief to know there are things we can try. I'm in my 30s now, and have only recently found glycopyrrolate to work. I only take it when I have work or seminars and well, it's winter here. I have goals and resolutions, and I won't let h.h. impede me anymore. I'm sick of it too, but I want to enjoy myself. I wish you the best.


Well-known member
Well I tried Perspi-Guard for the first time today (I've literally tried every other well-known HH Antiperspirant on the market) so I'll give you a shout if it turns out succesfull.

Also you really should consider curettage, its not the same as ETS and it doesn't have any side effects - it simply just involves scraping away the sweat glands.


New member
hi all, ive read alot on this forum and it has helped me alot but this is my first post, so bare with me please peeps. I "developed", if you like, generalised hyperhidrosis when i was about 15, i am now 29. I have had situations, mostly at work where i couldnt dodge them, where i have ended up being able to literally ring my t-shirt out whilst i look around at other people and see they are hardly sweating at all, if at all, after we had all been doing the same task. I have read of others talk of simply walking to a place in the cold then going into a warm {not excessively hot} room and that that would be guaranteed to set it off quite badly, well i get just that almost every time along with almost anything that involves raising my metabolism, especially when it is hot.
Up until about 24, whilst still in puberty a little i guess, my HH was almost constant, even whilst just sitting at home in the cool but it has improved a fair bit since then except when i did something strenuous or walked in the cold to a warm place. I would walk a short distance on the flat in winter in shorts and t-shirt and would sweat all over my body just from entering his house, awful, absolutely awful. Very very often i would leave again within 10 minutes after having pretended i needed the toilet to buy time for it to subside but often it didnt, not sufficiently anyway, i could hardly spend 30 mins in his shitter using his toilet roll to dry my body off!!!!! I could only have wished for armpit/hand sweating alone, that would have been a godsend as far as im concerned. Since the 18th of december ive been takin Robinul {avert}, 2mg three times a day, or twice a day if i know im staying in alone in the evening, to reduce my overall intake as much as is possible. It has worked absolute miracles so far, to the point where i cant believe it sometimes, i feel like a human again. The side-effects have been minimal and very acceptable in comparison. I didnt intend this to be so long and i have barely touched on the subject, i will be happy to elaborate futher on any detail if anyone wishes to chat/reply. We have all been strong to live with this terrible affliction, although i was very close to giving up {we'll call it that} and i offer every one of you my best wishes and hope none of you let this beat you. Thanks for reading.


Active member
thanks for the information everyone.

generalhh - i'm glad to hear Robinul is working for you! it worked for me too for about two years (2mg twice a day) then it just .. stopped..
i've been off Robinul forte for about 14 months so i'm going to see if maybe i start taking it again it'll start working, but i have a feeling i'm immune to the side effects now :(

i have a question for all you Robinul users... does your tummy feel weird after two or three days of using the meds. i notice that i feel bloated and fat like i have a shell over my stomach..
does anyone know what i'm referring to?