I am a Social Phobic unfortunately -Italia


Well-known member
Hi my friends , i hope everyone of you is doing ok , im drunk now , thats my life now , im slipping into oblivion , im so scared of my future , i feel like crying , i wish i could be with you all now , ive started to hit the drink and drugs hard , i dont want my family to feel so bad , its so sad what life can come up with , no mercy , i once believed in a god , but not now , what can we do ,i feel so alone , had to drink 7 beers to go to my granddads funeral , i dont want to kill myself , please help me , im not being big-headed but i am vey intelligent , i have a good heart , i just want to help people , i love waking up each morning to see what my fellow brothers and sisters have to say , you all seem like such nice people , I LOVE YOU , i hope i can stay in this game for a bit longer , im trying to be strong , take care , and what ever is out there , let it bless your gentle hearts and souls , Robbie .


Well-known member
Robbie, yes this is terrible condition. I always wonder if one day we will wake up and everything will be okay; no stress , no stigma just some final sort of relief

Peace and Love to you, Bro