How do you relax?


Well-known member
Every time I have a Dr's appt, I feel like I can't breathe, my heart beats really fast and I'm just extremely nervous! I have an appt tomorrow and the anxiety is awful. What do you do to relax? I go through this every time and I can't stand this feeling. I try to think about other things but so far I haven't fooled myself.


Well-known member
The best thing to help you relax while waiting (waiting is the worst thing for someone who suffers from anxiety) is probably music. Wherever I go, I always have my mp3 player with me, so you can rock out or close your eyes (depending on your mood) while waiting.


Well-known member
Music did help me many years, but now not so much.

I think that either 1) we have some imbalance in brain chemistry
2) we are natural born losers . Plus maybe the combo of 1+2

However, if it werent my mp3 player and new Lonnie Jordan's music i wouldnt be able to functionate today at all (I woke up at 5 am , and start to worry :(


Well-known member
One good tactic that I've learnt from the Dr Richards series is to sing something out loud, or if that isn't possible, hum it. Apparently, singing uses a completely different part of your brain than thinking or speaking. I find it to be quite an effective distraction technique as it tends to work for me.

Obviously if you're in the waiting room, you'd probably need to hum it or go over it in your head perhaps?