HH remedies and exercise


New member
Hello, I've just recently found this forum and I'm very pleased that I'm not alone. It seems like the only people who know anything about this condition are the ones who suffer from it, so it's great that there's a way for everyone to get together to pool their knowledge (or lack of it in my case).

Anyway, it all started for me when I was about 20, I'd always been a bit sweatier than most people, but it was about that time my armpits started dripping even when I was cold. From then on it got progressively worse and I am now 26 and going for a leisurely stroll makes my chest, back, pits and forehead drip like most "normal" people would if they had run a marathon.

I'm quite into martial arts and I have been training quite regularly for a few years now. However, with the HH it's just getting unbearable and if it gets any worse than I will have to seriously consider packing it in. This prospect is depressing me quite a bit as I've dedicated quite a sizeable portion of my life to this and its looking like this will turn out to be a lot of wasted time.

I've tried a few things in the past like Driclor, which my doctor prescribed me and didn't do much except make my armpits bleed. I recently ordered some Hydrosal which arrived a few days ago and is burning away as I type this, but entirely bareable I'm happy to say. It doesn't seem to be doing much at the moment, but I'll give it a few more days. I've read a lot about gycopyrrolate here and I think that I will give that a try next, which finally brings me to my question. I've heard a few people say that it keeps them bone dry and I was wondering if it would really be such a good idea to combine it with exercise. Although annoying as hell, sweating does perform an important role in cooling down the body and if the body gets too hot then you could end up with heatstroke which can sometimes be fatal. Does anyone here use this and manage to exercise at the same time without any problems? or should I just pack it all in and take up swimming?

Sorry about the large post and thanks for reading all the way to the end.. :)


Well-known member
Yes, I'm kind of worried about that too...

I play outdoor sports quite often in the summer and even now, despite all the rediculous sweating I still often get the feeling I'm overheating when I play sports in the sunshine. I'm not overweight and I always used to be in a good shape too. Now it's hard to say because after five minutes I'm completely drenched and I have the feeling it takes a lot of energy out of me as well...

Sometimes I think it's BECAUSE of the sweating though instead of inspite of it, since you're losing so much fluid, you lose concentration etc...I also think that some taking glyco said that when it was extremely hot they'd still sweat a bit, and obviously when I would suddenly sweat about 10% of what I do now I could also, in my happiness, say it completely dries me out, since probably in my mind that would be true...because what we want to get rid off is the excessive sweating.

Still, no first hand experience (probably will have shortly), so maybe someone taking glyco could shed some light on this...