HH frequency



I'm 27 years old male.

- 10 years ago, my HH would sweat for 1 week and dry for 2 weeks.
- Few years later, sweat for 2 weeks, dry for 1 week.
- Now, I sweat everyday except 1 - 2 day out of the whole month.

I notice that sweating is worst when it just started sweating again. I feel really tired and blurry eyes when it started sweating again but used to it after it sweats for at least a day.

I smoke weed to control it as I need. It helps me relax and focux on finishing what I need to do. Weed = temporarily relief. Like many people, I can't tell wether anxiety or HH triggers each other. I think they escalate together.

If anybody can relate to any of these symptom, please comment. Thank you.