HH documentary


Well-known member
From: "Managers of hyperhidrosis" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: "Members of hyperhidrosis" <[email protected]>
Subject: hyperhidrosis Announcement - channel 5 intrested in making a program about hh
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 07:28:58 -0700
Announcement from Managers of hyperhidrosis


Dear members of the hyperhidrosis community.

Your help is needed. Your chance is finally here. Please do not close this page till you have reached the last bit. Then make a decision.

For me these last few years of having excessive sweating has really taken its toll on me, only now i have come to accept it. Saying that i do feel these last 2 weeks its not been as bad for me, perhaps cause all i do is drive all day and the weather has not been so bad. Who knows. But i know when my hh has kicked in it causes all sorts of emotions. Denial, self pity, anger, hate, depression, isolated. There are so many ways to explain how i know you all feel, Being a sufferer of HH and FF i feel i can truly understand all of you out there.

Thats why its time to take this to the next step. How easy it is for all of us to sit back and say "someone will post on here one day the answers to my problems" We can't simply wait and hope. What if i told you that the chance is here. It may not be the answer direct but its the beginning of the answers.

Last year i was interviewd by channel 4, well a company that represented channel 4. It was regarding my hh and the impacted it had on my life. They came round my house and we spoke about it. It was hard. It was for a program to been shown on channel 4 regarding hh. No there was no cameras just questions. This program never got made.

Behold the chance has come back round. I spoke to a kind lady on the phone who emailed me regarding our deppressing problem that we have. Interestingly channel 5 wishes to continue channel 4's research into hyperhidrosis. You can read the email below

Hi Daniel,

I'm putting together a TV documentary about HH and related CS. The one hour programme (for Five) will explore how excessive sweating can affect people's lives, and will explore the different treatments available.

It's been really helpful to speak with people who have HH or CS, to understand how it impacts on their daily lives - and it's made me more sure that there's a really important and compelling documentary to be made. Just from my initial research, I'm surprised how little information there is available, other than from forums and message boards, particularly considering how many people have HH. Hopefully, this documentary could go some way to change people's awareness and understanding of HH.

I wondered if you would be happy to spare a few minutes to chat on the phone with me about the documentary? I'm keen to hear people ideas about what they'd like to see in the documentary, and I also wondered if you'd be able to help me get in touch with other people in Britain. I'm not going to twist anyone's arms to take part in the filming - it's not everyone's cup of tea - but at this stage, it's just good to hear from lots of different people about how they feel HH affects their lives.

I feel strongly that it's really important that we get this documentary right and I'm really grateful for your help. I'm available on 020 7284 6877 or if you'd prefer, I could arrange to call you at a convenient time?

Thanks for your time Daniel - I hope to hear from you soon,

With best wishes,

She is a lovely women and our half an hour chat on the phone was simply about hh and the effect on my life. It was mentioned to me that i may have the chance to be on the show. But nothing is forced. At present miss jo only wishes to come to understand the emotional and physical effect Hyperhidrosis has had on our lives. This to me is the chance i have been waiting for. Wether i go on tv, wether i sit back and only offer an interview i am still helping in some way. So can you!!. Its not hard to pick up the phone. Cant afford it. Then email jo and she will call you back. Don't wish to talk to her on phone. then why not just write a personal email. She needs your help if this program is ever to hit our screens. Maybe there is a chance for some to come out better off.

It does not matter where you have hh, does not matter how bad it is, if its effecting you in a personal way why not share your story?

There is a chat comming up on the 22nd so feel free to come in and ask me more about it or email me. Im here to help, your here to help and so is this chance.


Daniel Stringer

Manager of hyperhidrosis

[email protected]


jo hughes

[email protected]

020 7284 6877
I haven't seen any more post on it

Gosh this is from a while ago but wanted to respond. I got in touch with Jo and also helped film the documentary. It was aired on channel 5 last May 08 called Sweaty Betty, Hidden Lives. It has been aired all over Europe. Now I am making another doc, with TLC, The learning channel. It begins tomorrow 23rd April 09. Will be aired in USA around July, August time.

You can watch my side of the documentary on my website verysweatybetty.com • Index page

After making the doc I became inspired to help people with hh. Thanks..
