Help Someone With Panic Attacks


New member
My girlfriend suffers a lot from panic attacks, and i want to help her as much as possible.

Is there anything else I could do than just being there for her. It's not nice seeing her going through this all the time and feeling like i'm not able to help.


Aw, I hope your GF gets over the attacks soon...being there for her is really the biggie though and basically just listening to her if she wants to talk about them! I know when I had them bad, I was so afraid of being left alone as you really do think you are going to die. Walking really helps too so if you can try to get your GF just out of the house if you can and walk. You don't always feel like you can if the attack is bad but for me, each time I just set off walking with my Hubby, I'd eventually come out of the attack even though I've walked round where I live on planet goodness knows what, so def needed my Hubby with me!