Heart rate through the roof whenever i go out


New member

Does anyone else's heart rate go through the roof whenevr they leave the house. Very often, mine does. Some days it is worse than others, but most of the time when i even just walk around i shop, i can feel it thumping and beating really fast.

I dread going anywhere in case this happens. Some days i can go out on a short trip and feel ok about it. Other days i cant face it and feel panicky sitting in my own house. Ive been like this for about 4 months now.

The heart racing seems to be my only symptom. Deos this still sound like anxiety as i dont get the other classic symptoms of panic attacks?? Have had heart tests - all normal.

I used to be really outgpoing. All tis has stemmed from my being ill 8 months ago. I got a virus which gave me terrible muscle weakness and fatigue for months on end! Then i had to go to hospital ith palpitations! All this has freaked me out so much. My muscles are still weak now. I have no faith in my own body anymore.

Can anyone relate, am so lonely and i miss my old life so much.



Well-known member
I miss my old life too but their is no point dwelling on somthing that has already happened. :) It will do no good. I get a very intense heart beat when I leave the front door, like you have stated some days it is far worse and others its managable. I think the mood Im in before I leave is normally the reason for the increase of anxiety. If Im tense or have been wound up by someone within my house my anxiety levels are sky high and I always feel extremely negative. This obviously causes me to panic triggering the pounding heart/chest pains.


New member
Hi Liz

Thanks for your reply. Can i ask, does your heart rate go as high as mine?
I know i shouldnt dwell on it so much, but because it scares me, i find it hard to forget. Is yours intemittent or is it generally a high rate?

Thanks so much