

Active member
It's normal to be envious of people every once in a while, but lately I've realized I focus my envy on two persons especifically and it almost borderlines hate. One of them was someone I went to school with; she's really good with people, has so many friends, travels and goes to college. The other one is a cousin who's 4 years younger than me and she's beautiful and has had a boyfriend already, she just seems confident. Both of them have things, mostly from a personality perspective, that I wish I had, and I find myself hating them when I hear about what they're up to and how successful they seem to be.

I really don't understand it. I normally don't mind when someone accomplishes their goals but I can't stand to hear about the good things these two have done. It resembles a competition and I just don't like the fact that they're obviously way ahead of me.

Am I the only one like that?


Active member
i do feel somewhat the same, i mean, the envy i feel is more directed at everyone who has it better than me.
yes, i am incredibly self centered. though im tryin not to be.


New member
I can get quite envious of others. Especially if they are the same age as me, because when I see all the things they are doing, i feel like that's the point where i should be in my life.


Well-known member
Envying others is a vicious pattern, it'll only lead to bitterness, jealousy and a struggle to archive {impossible?} goals. Yet I know what you mean, I'm like that too at times. Seems like that envying feeling comes from amongst other things lack of self-acceptance and influence from other factors {such as the media, literature, etc.}. A fine way to tackle this would be to see around you; all the things you're able to perform which make you the good person you are and learn that you should not place yourself below others^^.