Edmonton - next meeting date!!!


Well-known member

Hey guys, a bit of a problem, i got a part time job at sobeys groceries, they are going to try me out.Problem is i have to come in this friday and saturday at 12-4pm.I dont want to miss the meeting , is there anyway we could have it on sunday 2pm, or even later in the day for saturday?


Well-known member
hey - so, I showed up, no one else did (rko - sorry, I didn't get the msg soon enough!)

if you did show, and maybe were too shy to say anything, I was there with my daughter cause i couldn't get a sitter. 1 year old, curly hair, I had a strippy shirt on, I also have curly hair.


New member
Newbie for sure

I live just outside edmonton, sometimes i live in edmonton for the weekends. Just interested in a meeting if there is going to be another one. If anyone can help me or give me some other support info, that would be great. being in a small town i don't seem to have anyone that seems to understand. E-mail me at [email protected]. Just incase anyone was wondering 22/m


Well-known member
Next Meeting

Okay - so we'll try this again. Next meeting date is:

Saturday, July 8th

6 pm to 7pm

Second Cup, Churchill Square
(the one attached to the Stanley Milner Library)

*** if you can't make it, and you want to talk about rescheduling, please email me about it at [email protected]. Unless I post otherwise, this is still the time/date ***


Well-known member
I really admire your perseverance Ayla in getting something like this together. I'm sure you'll have a turnout soon enough. If I lived there I would be sure to make it. Good luck.


Well-known member
Meeting took place

I went to get together and met up with Kat and Jeremy, i enjoyed chatting with them both :) .Jeremy is a nice guy and im glad he came along, i hope we can get more Edmontonians and surrounding area people to come and see.Its very informal, cna talk about anything you want or not talk at all, we would understand.Thanks again to Kat who wanted to organise a group :)

Maybe we could go see a movie or something different next time :) or even going shopping?


Hey guys, I'm new to the forums. Right now I'm living in Ontario, but I'm moving to Edmonton at the beginning of August. I leave on the 5th so I should be there on the 7th I guess. I would be interested in coming to a meet sometime after that, especially being new to the city and knowing nobody.
BTW, is there any particular area of town you recommend not living in? Seems like a lot of apartments around the central area, so that's where I'm thinking of going.


Well-known member
Hi there

Hi there Busted, nice to meet you.Your certainly welcome come meet us :), im not sure about where a good area in Edmonton would be, i live in St Albert.Perhaps Alieno or Ayla can advise more than i can.Btw are you male or female?