Depressed much?


Well-known member
If you have Social anxiety, youve probably experienced some form of depression. Or you may simply be depressed. Whatever your situation, here's something to consider:

Depression is anger without enthusiasm.

It took me a while to realize this, but when I'm depressed it's usually cause I'm angry about something. Really try to think next time what could be causing you anger. I really do think if you find your "anger source" and work on being a little more enthusiastic depression will get a lot better.


Well-known member
You're right, Pinkputter - I've also some depression, I think.

It's quite fine post; but I think it'd be difficult to manage for maiority of depressed people. Hm, but these less depressed can try it with quite good effect, I think.

I'm recently so depressed that I've nearly no energy to be angry... :|



Well-known member
We experience depression when we either lose something or when we are deprived of something we want badly - the unattainable.


I think you have a point. I've realized that I never get angry, ever. Whenever I'm treated unfairly or anything bad happens to me, I never get mad, I just bottle up my feelings and get depressed.


wow, that`s so true.
back last year over June-October I was so depressed i couldn`t even get angry. though i think i was writing about how much of a loser i was - i might have been angry at myself. my naturopath told me that she thought i seemed emotionally numb.

I`ve been taking a herbal treatment which has alleviated much of the depression, and this last month I have found I`ve been having little happy moments once or twice a day, but also that i`ve been getting irritated as hell. I`ve gotten hurt and angry unbelievably quickly, even throwing stuff around and hitting my parents, which scared me because I`ve NEVER been so violent inmy entire life.

One counsellor told me I must have had underlying anxiety, which i think is true, and another told me that it`s also quite normal to go through this stage of actually feeling emotions again, be they good or bad, and i just needed the tools to know how to handle them when they came out. (I have also heard from several professionals that this can be the most dangerous stage in recovery, as you now have the energy to actually carry through with suicide even if you didn`t before - so you have to warn whoever is living with you and set up lots of support networks in case you hit a sudden energised low)

so yeah, definitely. lots of pent-up sadness and anger there i think. come to think of it, i`ve never been one to release how i feel - i would brood, i would absorb, but i can`t remember many times where i brought my emotions out, espeically if it was against someone.