buying drugs from websites that advertise....


Well-known member
'no prescription necessary' !!

Is this a good idea?
I live in the UK so I'm not used to 'buying' my prescriptions anyway. However I see a mixure of sites on the internet selling drugs (to the american market), some with online doctors who will issue you a prescription (not an option to me as a non-resident) and others that say you don't need one. So I'm thinking, excellent! A bit expensive but anything I want/need, then it occurs to me...... whats the catch????? ????

Are they really bad quality medications? One websight in question is

We ship from a number of countries including Fiji, Singapore, Pakistan, China and Thailand.

eeerm? I also have to check what drugs are legal to import into the uK as they suggest in faq's.

Any comments/advise welcome. :!:

slightly bewildered, treacle.


Well-known member
I've gotten away with it before, but the drugs came from Spain (IMHO far more trustworthy than Southeast Asia).

Those sites though are really only good for drug abusers-- your supply will never be constant or trouble-free enough for antidepressants, for instance. And you can get in big trouble with your local customs officials.

Plus, they are usually FAR more expensive than getting them from a pharmacy. And Heck, if you're in the UK, don't you get them essentially free, and you're all covered by the gov't?? Why on earth would YOU go online? Us Yanks don't all have coverage, and drugs cost way more here than they do in the rest of the world thanks to our lousy gov't policies...


New member
good question.

Well it depends on a lot I think. I know most of those are scams hoping to get quick cash before the site vanishes and the contact info you were given ends up being some radio station out in the middle of no where..

There are ways to protect yourself from scams anyway, as far as the drug being safe or even working is 50/50 .. I've taken chances some worked some didn't. If you get sick from buying a medication from a web site (that you have to read carefully) they will have some law suit and you may be happy, or dead.. Heh. Do research, visit, look for the site that is offering the meds, forums are a great way to find out stuff too.

Hope I helped.