[b]Too Sensitive[/b]


Everyone Says I Respond 2 Negativity Too Badly..

& Yeh Its True :(

I Hate Bein In A Situation Where People Say Something Like 'I Dont Like Your Coat'...I Get Xtremly Upset..Once Sum1 Sed Ur Hair Cud B Neater..Dat Jus Set Da Water-Works..

I Cried All Night.. I Am Normal Tho.. Buh I Hate Being Like This

People Called Me A Drama Queen, Over Exaggorator & All Sorts Buh My Life Jus Got Spoilt After That..I Seem 2 Be Weaker.

I Hate It

I Wana B Able 2 Take Slight Criticism..Im Not A Baby!


yeah the slightest "conflict" makes me weird because what do I have to fall back on? my imagination? I guess the only thing you can do to diffuse this is to just not think or worry about it. Easier said than done right? It just happens, I don't need to think about it. Well, even if it happens ... you can try to just not think about it... or transform the situation into something "positive", even if it's just "positive" to you.


Well-known member
You sound like the dramatic type, and it probably is a result of anxiety. Anxiety is also insecurity about certain things in life; in your case you are sensitive about your appearance, hypersensitive (too sensitive).

What you have to work on is being confident and secure with the way you appear. If someone makes a critical comment about your appearance, rather than telling yourself, "Oh no, I look horrible!" Challenge yourself to think, "Hey I'm good looking. Maybe this person is just a prick/bitch (very possible by the way)." Keep doing this with all of your negative thoughts about yourself. Every time you are tempted to think negatively about yourself, counter that thought with a positive one. This is difficult to do on your own, but I believe that any can do it, even though it may be hard.

Just keep at it and you will find your security rising and your anxiety reducing!


Fanks Guys

Dat Really Helps A Lot
I Wana Try & Put Dat Into Practise Hopefully, Cos Apparently Acordin 2 My M8z Ppl Av Been Callin Me Drama Queen Recently :'(


Well-known member
dont worry
Im exactly the same even if someone i know doesnt make the reaction i was expecting it plays on my night and all week probably! I hate it if only i could learn to take critsisim and not think the way i do