ativan.. input?


Well-known member
im feeling like shit right now. ugh. im tapering off of ativan. i just hate this. i feel so awful, i just wanted to write. anyone go through this?


I've gone through benzo withdrawals several times. I've been on and off of ativan, klonopin and xanax. They're one of the worst type of drugs to come off of. At least you're not going off it cold turkey like I did. Doing it like that can actually be deadly...

Why did you decide to stop using your ativan anyways? Just wondering, because I've gone through the hellish withdrawals only to say to myself, "why did I go off of them? they were actually helping..." After a bit over two years of being on them (mostly klonopin and xanax) I'm actually trying to go back to college. They really have helped me in adopting the attitude of "I don't give a damn what you think, I'm going to do what makes me happy and I couldn't care less about what anybody thinks of me." It's something that's easy to say, but benzos make it possible for me to actually do it. Sorry for ramblin...



Well-known member
i decided to go off of ativan because it started to make me depressed, off balance, and make me forgetful. i forgot to take it one day and i had tremors, chills, sweats and crying until i took one. i felt like it was hurting my body, so im trying to find a more natural way to help my ocd. i dont judge those who are "addicted", but its not for me.


Yeah I have panic disorder, so I just need something to take the edge off of my seemingly constant panic attacks, and benzos work great for me. As for OCD, i doubt benzos are the answer. If I had any experience with your disorder, I'd offer some advice, but I don't. Therefore, I just hope you find something that helps, whether it be medication or therapy (probably a bit of both). Good luck!
