Are therapists always right? shrink seemed to be confusing some of my symptoms of social phobia for schizophrenia... I was just wondering if anyone else has been misdiagnosed by a therapist before and what they've done about it


Well-known member
i hate therapist been 2 a ton of em n all they do is use up time 2 get a big check, put words in ur mouth and soooo focused on finding the "root" of ur problem i wouldnt listen 2 em but thats just me.
thanks for the advice...I guess I'll have to look around some more to find a better of luck on finding the right therapist...


Well-known member
I haven't seen a therapist but I have seen two psychiatrists and NO they are not always right. The one I am currently seening keeps telling me I have OCD symptoms and I really really don't. As far as I can see the only people to completely understand would be other people with SA and yourself. Maybe a really experienced psychiatrist who maybe as family that has SA. I don't know. I haven't come across a doctor who truely understands.
Roxy, I was seeing a therapist... I felt like she kinda misunderstood what I was telling her and interpreting it as something more serious... like how I was replaying thoughts in my head of a really bad memory of being bullied... she dismissed it as being delusional... like it never happened in the first place which is frustrating since I can't prove her that it actually happened and I'm not just hearing voices in my head... even trying to prove that it did happen seems to be a symptom of schizophrenia to her... sorry I'm venting... thank you again for your advice and concern...


Well-known member
Yeah Roxy, I live in Arizona. Personally I don't really like it here. Winter is good but I can't stand the heat here. Triple digets and I don't mix well. 8O


Well-known member
If I had listend to what every therapist had said to be I would have gone crazy by far I've been told:

I was autistic
Then I got told I was just extremely depressed
Then I got told I had Selective Mutism
Then I got told I had a panic disorder

Now I'm told I'm social phobic

:p Can't they make up their minds?!


Well-known member
Emma said:
If I had listend to what every therapist had said to be I would have gone crazy by far I've been told:

I was autistic
Then I got told I was just extremely depressed
Then I got told I had Selective Mutism
Then I got told I had a panic disorder

Now I'm told I'm social phobic

:p Can't they make up their minds?!

I dont know much of english but this one : "Selective mutism" sounds symphatic. :)


Well-known member
They can make mistakes, but I think that they are right most of the time. After all they have studied. Mine have been right although at first I didn't believe them.


Well-known member
The aim of their JOB is completely DELUSIONAL

So , i dont have to tell ya nothing more about them, and how can they wind up everything...


Well-known member
Perhaps we aren't talking about the same kind of professionals. In my country there are psychiatrists and clinical psychologists. Are these the same as therapists in your country?


Well-known member
Yes , we have all of them - because we are copying the american system very succesfully : I

As i said : 1) They are either delusional (...) , or 2) They are amorph mass that is giving a support to the actual system (...)
So, Psychiatry is a political institution , they have a vision of world that matches the one that is politically correct at the moment.
For example, if i.e. actual system is open slavery - they would 'teach' you how to cope with issues that you are feeling in that system.

I m willing to admit only that so-called social phobia is a loser feeling , that (in case of male ) came as a handicap of being too shy.
Really dont have a clue how shyness can or shall be treated (It is well known that it is rejected by society , or perhaps misunderstood which is most likely worse).

I would be very happy if someone from neurologists would prove that shyness is a neurological disease, just like epilpesy , and somehow pay more attention in treating us - instead of leaving our case to psychologist/shrinks as a case of "full blown anxiety"