

Does anyone sweat or blush from some social situations? I'm 30/M and ever since high school i have had to deal with this. It really is obnoxious that I react that way but I do. I actually had it under control for a while but it has always been in my head and lately i've pretty much relapsed. I feel very abnormal and it's honestly crushing. I do a pretty good job at keeping positive but I hate when I sweat or blush or just feel nervous or something so stupid as paying the cashier for groceries...... it's absurd!


Well-known member
Yup! And unfortunately people always feel the need to point your blushing out, as if you can't tell lol. Ugh I hate how easy I am to read. People always say you can fake confidence but it's a bit hard when you've got red cheeks and sweat patches...


Well-known member
It's not really the fact that others point it out that makes it worse, it's the way you react to it. If you made peace with it, not only would it happen much less, but other people pointing it out wouldn't affect you (being even more red vs simply saying "oh yeah, I get like that easily, it's no big deal").


Yes! haha very hard to fake confidence when your face is read or sweat builds on your forehead. It just makes it worse! For instance today, the cashier literally laughed at me when my face turned red. It's such an interesting thing that I react this way ugh! And yes people need not point it out, we definitely know haha


Reacting to what's happening is important. I get negative before the social interaction because I fear blushing or appearing stupid, so then since I'm negative, it happens! I need to focus on reacting differently.