A caffine induced rant


Well-known member
Currently staring cross eyed at my monitor trying desperately to write a cover letter for a CV.

The boss (gf) has told me after 16 months of living in essex I really should get back into employment, to help pay the bills and buy bread and water to fed us. The cheek of it. Anyway, I've decided she's right. I do need money for a new P900/ laptop/around the world ticket.

So I'm applying for a job.
However, with this annouying little SA bastard thing it's proving a little difficult to even sell myself on paper, let alone get through the interview stage.

I think all sufferers of SA should be absolved when it comes to having to do interviews as we're automatically at an unfair advantage against the other applicants even before we step into the interview room in our shiney suits.

In a perfect world, there should be a law that allows SA sufferers to sit at home, playing GTA San Andreas, whilst drinking copious amounts of red wine.

And all partners would be stinkingly rich and shelter you from the evil world and never make you apply for jobs. :roll:


Well-known member
I could try a face pack mask instead of b.o basher, that why I could hide my tomatoe chops and have the perfect excuse for being mute during the interview..

*looks down at alcohol induced waist line* The pregnant thing could work. I do have a male budgie.

As for shaving my head...its snowing silly. :roll:


Well-known member
There is a law. You get payed for playing GTA San Andreas and drinking red wine. It's called benefit.
Ah well. At least you have a cool avatar.


Well-known member
Speaking of which, it's giro day today :D
*does a little dance and gets coat and ear muffs on*


Wouldn't you feel guilty claiming benefits just becasue of SA? I would, and i don't think the other half or the family would let me sit on my arse at home and live a life of depression! :roll:


:D In respect of my previous comment: don't worry i understand that people are in varying stages of SA, and while working is a neccessity for some to get better, for others it is an impossibility. I iwish all those people the best of luck in getting better and getting a job :)


I just started my new job a few days ago and was dead nervous (I mean, I havent had a job for 3 years, so my lack of experience was just another worry on top of the SA). But I can honestly say that in the last few days, I have increased in confidence quite a lot. I'm still no way as confident in social situations as any of my co-workers, but I'm a hellava lot better-off then before I had this job. It was soo hard to get this job (interviews, CV's, bleugh!!) but it's done me a world of good. Definetely keep working at getting a job because it does make a difference. Good luck



Well-known member
good on you hype :wink:

I sent off the cover letter and CV last night. Am cringing now.
It's for the post of a marketing assistant.
Which will mean using the phone and being bubbly and talktative. What have I done :( 8O


I did insurance sales in a call centre not that long ago. Everyone is just as nervous as eachother so SA isn't a big problem. Once you've dealt with that first customer you'll be alright, and the friendly/bubbly thing comes naturally! :D