

Thanks you sharing, I've got one of the same problems(Palmer hyperhidrosis) and have been looking into some thing without any seeming reasonable. This sounds possible, and with an approval from another sufferer of Palmer Hyperhidrosis I'm even more convinced of this working.

Thank you for boosting my spirits, :)


Active member
I got a fischer,it has changed my life! My hands and feet are completely dry! I know how you feel it is life changing! I have advoided so many social activities all my life. Times when I have gone I had a hard enjoying myself,so worried someone will want to shake my hand or see how wet they are. I was so jealous of everyone,I felt abnormal. I am wearing SANDLES! ! I would only buy black shoes because some times I would sweat through my shoes,you would see sweat marks on brown or tan shoes. I even married someone who was not that nice to me just because I didn't think any one else would want me. I could go on but I am sure you understand,it's funny some people say they don't see what the big deal is,they would hate it too if they could never get their hands dry. You are much younger than me I am glad you got help I wish I knew about this at a much younger age,I am glad for you


Well-known member
Hi all.

I will just respond for some of my treatments.

I have palmar and plantar HH.

Tried a lots of thing antiperspirants,botox,antisweat-pill etc.

The ionto is working best 90% dry after 12-15 treatments and now i must take 1 treatmen each week to have it under controll.And I stick whith that day nonever what else happens.THAT DAY IS IONTO TREATMENT. Wednesday is my treatmentday and monday,(thursday dehydral day javascript:emoticon(':wink:')

My fingertips was still sweating but i ordered dehydral footcream and use it 6 times/days straight before going to bed.and now i take dehydral 1-2 times a week for my fingertips and it is working.I have tried it out for 1 mounth now and i still works.

I still is swelling in my hands and feet,but I am now trying out a produckt called biodrain because its suppose to get rid of water and toxins in our body and I actuelly dont swell so much longer.Its mye 3 week now.

But again it very cold here know so maby that can also be the reason why they dont swell.
So to test this out I have to get in a room who is really hot inside to find that out.Not tried that yeat,but have to jump in it one day.

I also feel if I have shoes whit socks on inside hoot rom I dont sweat/sweel that easely.

I is when I go whith socks or specialy bearfoot and maybe on a oily floor of wood inside hoot room I really starts to sweat/swell.Now swells?

Anyway I would at least tried dehydral for the fingertips along whith iontotreatments this has helped me much better.I am almost about 95-100% dry now.

For the swellingpart I hope biodrain can work,but if the reason is because of the bloodwessel expores maybe I have to try som medication (that I hate doing) that can calm down the nerve system.

Any other toughst experience,comments on this?

klamm 76.



Well-known member
Yea it does,but like I said im still in the startingface so I have to see how good it works as time go by.

I defently recomend you to try it out,only thing after a shower or contact whith water the fingertip skin get scrumpy(sorry my english).But it goes away fast.

Another thing I heard was that you cold get yellow,I hvent noticed that on me.But again still to early to say.

Yellow fingers isnt so bad do,worse if the whole hand is so thats wy i still use ionto .And I dont know how damaging it can be for the body whith toxic etc,so just take some on the fingertips I dont think could to much danger.

Hope this will work for you and maby you can take less iontotreatments because the dehydral tak care og the fingertip problem:)


New member
I guys firs time post here, I have a question for you all Iontopherosis users. i recently purshaded a Idromed 4 PS unit and it says to use it for 10days with max of 15ma. well I used it for 10 days in a roll at 15ma and it did not work at all. Now my question is, should I be doing the treatments everyday in a roll or should I do it everyother day. It does not say in the manual wether I should do it in a row or not. Please some advise. Thanks.


hey guys... first time user of a fisher md1a iontophoresis unit... it was quite an experience! i think at times changing the current gauge i could feel the tingle in my hand and it would go numb at a point! i just hoped that i could get some information in regards to this...

basically, i slowly bring the current level to about 17 milliamps for 10 minutes, starting with normal current then turning it off and doing 10 minutes of reverse current. i live in vancouver, and my water doesn't seem to run the current through effectively, so i poured a teaspoon of baking soda as suggested and that has seemed to help!

my only question is that i developed a bit of a rash, and red skin near where the water line is drawn on my hands and i read in the manual that there is a 1% hydrocortisone cream that can be used to relieve this? if anyone has any info on this that would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
hang in there. what u need to do is take a break from it all. that means no ionto for 1 or 2 weeks. i had this same problem last year. when i thought all hope was gone, i took a 2 week break and i started again. what u have to make sure is to never move ur hands or even fingers while doing the treatment. same thing with the feet. also, follow the instructions they gave u. dont try to do ur own. another thing, when ur washing ur hands or taking a shower, dont use hot water. i use cold water to wash my hands and luke warm or cool water when i take a shower. trust me, it makes a difference. after the 1 or 2 week break, try it agen, but without all those stuff u put in the water. maybe baking soda is okay, but only a little and thats it. trust me, itll work. it did for me after "experimenting". im getting my fischer md1a in a couple of weeks, which will be better than the drionic i use now. just hang in there...


New member
hello im bex im new to this site i just want some advice about the iontophersis treatment ive just bought a idrostar machine and ive done 2 treatments so far just with water but im not seeing any improvement yet my hands are still very sweaty i had this treatment in hospital and it worked very well so i dont understand why its not working now can someone please help with any advice thanks.


Well-known member
Yea I'm on day 5 myself.

Actually Day 7 but I wasn't able to do it on day 4 and 5.

Hasn't completely stopped sweating but it did seem a bit better today when I was helping my friend move.


Ionto machine has changed my life! Only regret is I learn of it only recently!!!!

In Singapore, somehow such machine is not being sold here nor clinic or hospital carry them. We do have ETS but I would strongly recommend ionto to ETS. One day, you may find a permanent cure to it without ionto?

What are the immediate benefits from this relief? I now approach people to shake their hands, I play games without having to worry of sweaty palms, my things don't get rusty so easily, my feet don't smell like rotten eggs after a day, I don't have to place a cloth to protect my paper when I write, etc

I am so happy and all these thanks to fellow member here sharing what they know. :lol:


Well-known member
Nice, glad it's working so well for you. :p

I'm still waiting for the effects of mine to kick in more fully.

Just like you, I wish I had learnt about this sooner. The effects it's had on me over the years are much deeper and long term and I let it effect my choices and decisions in life.

Only to find out the way to treat it is something so simple. Oh well, at least I found out about it now instead of not at all.