Yours ways of overcoming depression


Well-known member
I don't know if this topic has been done before, if it is i'm sorry i'm new so i would know. Do you read or book or listen or watch a movie, me personally i listen music, read my batman comics or go for a walk, i'd just thought what other people do?


I'm guessing you don't mean overcoming depression so much as coping with it?

Personally I like to sleep if I can, watch movies and eat some snacks (within reason, don't go overboard), read, exercise if I can work up the energy and will to do so.


Well-known member
I'm guessing you don't mean overcoming depression so much as coping with it?

Personally I like to sleep if I can, watch movies and eat some snacks (within reason, don't go overboard), read, exercise if I can work up the energy and will to do so.

Yeah sorry i meant coping.


Well-known member
playing online computer games, music, running, spending time with a friend if possible, writing poems, boating, reading
This is my list from another thread for helping to kick episodes of depression

  • Having people to safely talk it all out with or to, holding it inside just allows it to fester
  • Allowing an emotional/chemical release through crying
  • Keeping a check on bad thinking patterns
  • Making sure I get enough quiet & alone space
  • Having a hobby type of activity
  • Staying physically active, outside in sunlight
  • Remembering that it will pass
  • Music, music, music - but be careful what you choose, its easy to go for the miserable songs and worsen things
  • Spending time with pets
  • Staying in the now - drop mulling over past regrets and fickle future fears
  • Eating good food
  • Getting enough sleep, regular sleep
  • Planning interesting stuff to do
  • Watching a good movie
  • Having a shower every day and keeping good general hygiene
  • Achieving at least one small thing each day
  • Having free days, guiltless days of no study/work/job hunting, including no thinking about these
  • Making a change to a routine, eg walk a different route, go to another shop
  • Keep away from telly news and newspapers, which tend to funnel negative & depressing news items


Well-known member
Great list, Phocas. You listed the three most important things there:

-Eating wholesome, healthy food
-Regular exercise
-Proper, unbroken sleep

I have found that regulating those three aspects increases my chances of being in better moods. After 2-3 days of that, I can already feel the health and mood benefits and I have the energy to get through each day.

One point you made that I'll highlight is staying away from newspapers and general negative press. That's an excellent idea, although it is very difficult when there's advertising everywhere. It's hard to escape from - almost impossible in the 21st century - but it's best to keep your exposure to those things to a minimum.


Well-known member
-Getting up early in the morning and watching the sunrise (this works like wonders and it's called sun gazing )
-Setting small goals and disciplining myself in order to achieve them.
-Going in nature.
And generally doing anything that raises my energy levels...


Well-known member
My way? Stop thinking, but most of the times it's impossible.

Not that is the best way, but it's what I do...


Well-known member
My brain thinks to much, hobbies, movies and such don't help me none when im really down. Main things that I do is think over things in my head, try planning ways of making it better and then telling myself I can do it, works wonders for me. Other thing I do is I talk to the right person, a friend that will listen to my bitching and neverget upset.


Well-known member
I try to get into the sun if there's any to be seen
take the dog for a long walk even if it's rainy
go for a ride (that one is weather permitting only)
watch a comedy...NOT a romantic comedy, just a goofy silly one
do girly stuff: give myself a facial, paint my nails and toenails,curl my hair and get dolled up.
cook a healthy meal, it always makes me feel accomplished and refreshed
take a hot bath and drink one glass of wine
have a vigorous workout. --that one is tough bc when you're depressed you feel so exhausted so you really have to force yourself to get into a workout but once you do, you'll feel better.


Well-known member
If I have all of these working for me then I do not get depressed-

good diet
regular sex
regular exercise
talking to friends/family about it-talk therapy
having a creative outlet
sunshine daily
plenty of sleep
not isolating yourself too much.
alcohol and drugs in moderation