wtf... is this how it's supposed to work?


Well-known member
So everyone wants friends and it's so hard to get them right? Well at least for me it is... but is that the way it works for other people? I don't get how it works - how do people become friends... do they just say meet and then assume that a friendship has occured? I don't know?

Here's why I ask... I go out with a co-worker afterwork and meet him and some teachers from another school for drinks and karaoke sometimes, but I don't really talk too, too much to any of them. Last Wednesday when we went out, one guy said, "I'm going to Pusan on Saturday... you in?" So I said, "Er... maybe," thinking that it was a polite invite so I wouldn't feel left out, but the next day I had a bunch of text messages about hanging out on Saturday in Pusan. I wanted to ignore them and say, "Oh, I never check my messages," or some shit like that, but instead (and against all my natural impulses) I said yes.

When I went to the train station I expected there to be a bunch of people going, but it was just him and I for a long day trip to Pusan... I hardly know him! Is that normal... I mean, is that what socially "normal" people do? They just say, "Hey come with me," and they just make friends?! It was so weird... but not awkward weird... weird because it was not awkward. Afterwards we had beer and planned out more places to visit, and now I have a travel buddy... I guess. Next week we're going to an Island up north for the weekend with a bunch of his buddies... wtf?!

I guess I'm confused... has it really been this simple all along and I was too daft to realise it?! Or is this just an odd example of human interaction?


Seriously WTF!?!

AND then on the way home I shared a taxi with this total stranger that I met in the Subway when we both realised that the trains had stopped running for the night. We chatted and exchanged numbers and he linvited me to a party at the army base this Thursday... wtf!??!

This has been the weirdest fucking day ever... seriously the weirdest.

This can't be the way the real world always works... can it? Can it???

Why can I only do these things sometimes... I don't get it?


Congratulations for slipping outside of SPWorld, if only for just this day. I could never go off for a day trip with someone I hardly know. You may be on your way out of SPWorld forever. If you say you enjoyed your day, then I would keep moving in the direction that you're moving and capture that social life that so many people here yearn for. It sounds like your well on your way. :D



Well-known member
I wish things like that worked out for me. The only invites I really get are from guys- and usually they want more than a friendship.

I probably had better opportunities to make girlfriends in college- but I just didn't take up on them that often (out of fear) or when I did, I was nervous and probably ended up seeming dull, weird, bored, or whatever else. And now it's just impossible for me to make any friends.

I would feel grateful for the opportunities you were given. And I also find awesome that you are brave enough to take them up on their offers. Perhaps it is really just that simple. I wouldn't worry about it. If you are enjoying yourself, then don't question it!


Well-known member
Usually I am too boring or socially retarded to be someone's friend. Plus I have to be the funniest or I'm not happy.


Well-known member
what are you talking about? sounds like friendship to me. just keep the good vibes coming.

sounds like you're over whatever it is you signed up on this site for! congrats :)


That's how the world works, it may sound strange at first but yeah it's easy to make friends
But we, but people with sp just don't realize it

Congratulations btw, it seems like you got some new friends now, just do not try to push them away because of your shyness
Also learn from these lessons, now that you know that making friends is easy try to make more of them
You will surely find people that won't like you but just don't give a fuck about them and keep trying to make more friends


Well-known member
Thanks for your replies! I'm not so sure I'm outta the loop yet... I've had friendships spring up like this but then overthought the whole thing to death and convinced myself that they didn't actually like me afterall and then I was right back where I came from - paranoid, nerurotic and lonely.

So far this feels different... I mean that I feel different. I'm not worried or paranoid about this - it's almost like I don't "care" if they like me or not... and that is bizarrely freeing! It feels great to just not care; it's like I can think, "They're either going to like me or not like me - I can't do anything to change it - so I might aswell be myself so that IF they do like me, I know that they like ME and not some tailored creation. It's OK to be disliked."

We'll see :wink: