Worse off without SA?


Well-known member
Do you ever fear that even if you overcome SA that you will still not be liked by people? I think my inner personality might be too annoying for alot of people, too pushy, maybe i act like i know too much. Im wondering if i should live with SA instead and not risk becoming something even worse.


Well-known member
Do I ever. I'm extreamly afraid that without SA I'll go back to the way I used to before I had SA. I was a troble maker, bully, theif, I was really wierd, just gerneraly not heading in the right directioon. SA helped me become a goodi-2-shoes which I like minus the anxiety. I'm afraid withougt SA I'll annoy people with my strong oppinions, be really weird again, get into drugs and other troble, drop out of school, and abandon all my other morals ultimately becoming a disapointment to my mom. But I still want to get rid of SA b/c even if I do become my worst fears at least I'll be happy and have at least some friends.


Well-known member
I think that social phobia keeps me modest, i'd hate to be a show off not to say that non sufferers are all show offs lol, but i'd hate to have that personality trait.


Well-known member
yeah im afraid ill become over arrogant and people will think im a loud mouth and avoid me :?


Well-known member
If I didn't have SA, people would probably still think I'm boring. I don't drink, which most people seem to love and it's not like I have a "bubbly" personality.

I'd still rather not have SA and keep the good qualities so that I could be happy.


Active member
I think us have SA is a good things in some respect. We are aware of other people feelings and not the type to be nasty to other people.

If that the cost to be modest, selfless and human then so be it.


Well-known member
It's funny that you posted about this, because I often feel the same way. I feel VERY annoying when I talk alot. If I were to start jabbering, I worry that people would like me less than my shy self. So sometimes I truly think I am meant to be this way. I am not sure why I am this way. I just am. I really can't see me talking alot- I don't have the energy for it.


Well-known member
the opposite actually. I think my SA is what drives people away from me

who wants to be around me when Im shy, quiet and boring? if my inner personality came out more often I think people would have more fun when theyre around me

even if Im annoying sometimes its betterthan being ignored entirely :S


Well-known member
This is a good question. Its hard to know what you will really be like.
Having SA is kinda like having a really nasty bad cold. And your hoping it will go away soon and you tell yourself youll appreciate your life so much more....well thats what i start thinking anyways, lol.
but once your horrible cold is gone like a week later you forget you even had one and your back to being normal.

maybe that was a bad example, but im just saying that if i somehow cured my SA then i would forget how it was like even having it and i would be a totally different person. thats what i think would happen. and i would never come on these SA sites again. and i wouldnt talk to anyone on here ever again. but hopefully i would still be a nice caring person. i think thats how i naturally am anyways.
I think that people would hate me. I mean I would probably actually be really annoying or too attention seeking not something people like. Just like not social accpetable.


Well-known member
ripewithdecay said:
Do you ever fear that even if you overcome SA that you will still not be liked by people? I think my inner personality might be too annoying for alot of people, too pushy, maybe i act like i know too much. Im wondering if i should live with SA instead and not risk becoming something even worse.

yeah, but think about it. that's the whole reason we have this problem - we're afraid of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. so really that thought shouldn't even cross our minds if we're already cured. if you're already fearing what life would be like without your problem, how do you expect to overcome it?


Well-known member
Infected_Malignity said:
ripewithdecay said:
Do you ever fear that even if you overcome SA that you will still not be liked by people? I think my inner personality might be too annoying for alot of people, too pushy, maybe i act like i know too much. Im wondering if i should live with SA instead and not risk becoming something even worse.

yeah, but think about it. that's the whole reason we have this problem - we're afraid of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. so really that thought shouldn't even cross our minds if we're already cured. if you're already fearing what life would be like without your problem, how do you expect to overcome it?

I agree.
and it's been a while now since i've posted this thread, but i've come to accept more that, yeah, my intentions as a person are good. but im not really as laid back as i once i thought, or naturally quiet. I -do- have a dry sarcastic sense of humor, i -do- tell rude people to f* off, i can be obnoxious and annoying, and you know what? it feels damn good to come out and just admit that cause, that's really the only way to break down this wall - is to be honest with ourselves, and don't fear the outcome. If no one likes ya, too bad for -them-. One thing i do know is people who are just themselves at least get respect.


I hear ya! I remember a time when I wasn't so shy, I used to be the "video game know it all" and when I think back to that egotistical little punk, sometimes I just shudder. I don't guess the self-loathing really helps today. But being jealous of your past self, gotta admit that's kind of original isn't it?


Im scare that maybe i really am just this boring girl. If i cant hide behind my SA or blame it on that and tell myself its the SA holding me back, then it will make me feel worse because i really am just a waste.

At least with my SA, i can convince myself that its not all my fault for sounding boring to others, for doing nothing with my life etc...


Well-known member
ripewithdecay said:
Infected_Malignity said:
ripewithdecay said:
Do you ever fear that even if you overcome SA that you will still not be liked by people? I think my inner personality might be too annoying for alot of people, too pushy, maybe i act like i know too much. Im wondering if i should live with SA instead and not risk becoming something even worse.

yeah, but think about it. that's the whole reason we have this problem - we're afraid of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. so really that thought shouldn't even cross our minds if we're already cured. if you're already fearing what life would be like without your problem, how do you expect to overcome it?

I agree.
and it's been a while now since i've posted this thread, but i've come to accept more that, yeah, my intentions as a person are good. but im not really as laid back as i once i thought, or naturally quiet. I -do- have a dry sarcastic sense of humor, i -do- tell rude people to f* off, i can be obnoxious and annoying, and you know what? it feels damn good to come out and just admit that cause, that's really the only way to break down this wall - is to be honest with ourselves, and don't fear the outcome. If no one likes ya, too bad for -them-. One thing i do know is people who are just themselves at least get respect.

right on, my friend. the more you open up is the less you got to hide. cheers to being shameless and honest in this life and the many more to come. i doubt you'll remain shy for too much longer with that attitude!