when I see pictures of people in prison


Well-known member
it bothers me since my life isn't much different. I spend all day in my room which is tiny and also its where I sleep eat and watch tv.

afaik these are pictures taken from a prison



they get to live my life as a punishment for committing a crime...
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Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
it bothers me since my life isn't much different. I spend all day in my room which is tiny and also its where I sleep eat and watch tv.

they get to live my life as a punishment for committing a crime...

The difference is that you have a choice. You could go out and do things. You have the option. Also, I'm guessing you probably don't run the daily risk of physical and/or sexual assault.

I think being in prison would probably be harder for those with SA than non-SA sufferers, as many of us don't involve ourselves in society, but in prison you are forced to be part of that "society" whether you want to or not.

Good grief! It's 2012 and they're making him play on a PSOne!?? That's just inhumane! :eek: ;)
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Active member
First world prisons are like spa's, i heard somewhere that they could play wii in UK's prisons.


Active member
Prisoners get it too easy these days.

And good folks like us get it too hard.
Too hard indeed, the mere thought of playing modern warfare 3 online while eating potato chips on my couch sends chills through my bones. :eek:

PS: cute parrot btw:D
having to share a cell like that would be the worst nightmare for me - zero privacy, no personal space


Well-known member
i was afforded less personal space and more spartan accommodations in the military, with little more personal freedom

the only difference was that i had entered into the arrangement voluntarily


Well-known member
I watch some prison shows they seem to have access to tv and some the Internet but the ones that commit the serious crimes are pretty much sedated with nothing, to save tax payers at least I hope it's that way but some places are more easy on crims. Unless they attack a guard then they get a cell alone, typical, but a torturer, dangerous sex offender, murderer and thief usually get a roomie and end up forming groups on the playground much like in school and they still complain about the loneliness. The part that always upsets me the most is when they talk about getting out going to see their families and kids which they miss and start crying like a little b*t*h. I guess it's cause it has to do with themselves I'm all for change but from this? I see through it still, maybe from comparison because if you can do bad things to people and have the life you've always wanted still then what about those people who have always feared doing harm to others that were so stressed and had their life wasted by it, I never get what I want and seeing the people in my life that do makes me clinch my fist. Something needs to balance out if I was God I would even things out for sure.


Well-known member
having to share a cell like that would be the worst nightmare for me - zero privacy, no personal space

No kidding.. Oh god what a nightmare that would be.

I think if we were unable to leave, we'd probably want to. Lol. Maybe that's what we need huh.

Knowledgeofself, I'm so sorry to hear that this is how you feel.. I feel ya. There is very intense emotion behind this thread, *hug*


Well-known member
Here are some pictures of a prison in Austria.


That looks like a regular four star hotel in Finland. o_O


Well-known member
Sometimes I wonder if I should just be bad and do something illegal to get into jail... could get my education upgraded AND get paid to cook and clean.
jeez :rolleyes:


Well-known member
when i watch prison shows like 'lockup',it make s me feel WAY better about my life and VERY thankful that I am not forced to be locked up(sometimes 23 hrs a day in some prisons)..i can walk outside any time i want and go to bed when i want,take as many showers or baths a day that i want..etc etc..

and if people think ALL prisons are great places ,perhaps they may want to check out some Iraq or Thailand,or .Rikers Island Prison,or Diyarbak prison in Turkey,La Sabaneta Prison in Venezuela...or Tadmor Prison in Syria, well the list can go on and on.

and if the idea of getting raped and beaten and not having a choice over many things or perhaps a sharp object stabbing you..yea tell me again how much you want to be in prison or think you are in one...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
^^ yes, a very good point.

From the point of view of an agoraphobic girl, though... I feel like I've already locked myself up. My room is basically a jail cell-- just a private one.
I don't go outside, don't bother bathing every day or wearing clean clothes or eating properly. I keep things clean and try to stay sane... so all of these high class looking jails seem pretty nice compared to the life I've forced myself into.

It'll change though... probably... eventually.
One day I'll go outside and appreciate the freedom I have as someone who isn't a criminal.


Well-known member
^^ yes, a very good point.

From the point of view of an agoraphobic girl, though... I feel like I've already locked myself up. My room is basically a jail cell-- just a private one.
I don't go outside, don't bother bathing every day or wearing clean clothes or eating properly. I keep things clean and try to stay sane... so all of these high class looking jails seem pretty nice compared to the life I've forced myself into.

It'll change though... probably... eventually.
One day I'll go outside and appreciate the freedom I have as someone who isn't a criminal.

just start out slowly if you feel that way..perhaps a day just out in the yard.;)..try taking a nice warm bath with some scented oit and relax..small stuff like that at first.


Well-known member
The difference is that you have a choice. You could go out and do things. You have the option. Also, I'm guessing you probably don't run the daily risk of physical and/or sexual assault.
In the end, this is true. You can go outside, but they're restricted to what they can and can't do. Their cell quarters are not bad, but they have more limitations than we do.

having to share a cell like that would be the worst nightmare for me - zero privacy, no personal space