Whats the *Funniest/Wierdest* Thing You Did Because Of SA?


Well-known member
Mine is more sad than funny, but definitely wierd. I remember staying in the toilet at school for a whole lesson (about an hour). I had a close friend and that day he was absent, and the teacher couldnt come so we were free to do what we will , everyone started chatting , i remember being left alone, so i went to the toilet , stayed in the closet till the next lesson.

:/, thats even sad to remember...


Well-known member
Ive walked up a road for 5 mins in the wrong direction rather than turn around because I thought people would think i was stupid for going the wrong way and having to turn around :lol: . Ended up going into a shop and buying a newspaper as an excuse to turn around! Was a while ago...wouldnt need to do it now thankfully as I'm no longer such a paranoid person :wink:


Well-known member
scatmantom said:
Ive walked up a road for 5 mins in the wrong direction rather than turn around because I thought people would think i was stupid for going the wrong way and having to turn around :lol: . Ended up going into a shop and buying a newspaper as an excuse to turn around! Was a while ago...wouldnt need to do it now thankfully as I'm no longer such a paranoid person :wink:

lol. I think I'm the only person who does stuff like that, and it's not related to my SA. But then I read the above and it makes me feel better! Anyone take the totally wrong route because they think they see someone they know out the corner of their eye and rather then risk making eye contact, leg it off in the wrong direction. Then have to correct your wrong journey later. Might not even be them!


Active member
uk_27 said:
scatmantom said:
Ive walked up a road for 5 mins in the wrong direction rather than turn around because I thought people would think i was stupid for going the wrong way and having to turn around :lol: . Ended up going into a shop and buying a newspaper as an excuse to turn around! Was a while ago...wouldnt need to do it now thankfully as I'm no longer such a paranoid person :wink:

lol. I think I'm the only person who does stuff like that, and it's not related to my SA. But then I read the above and it makes me feel better! Anyone take the totally wrong route because they think they see someone they know out the corner of their eye and rather then risk making eye contact, leg it off in the wrong direction. Then have to correct your wrong journey later. Might not even be them!

Yeah I've done a lot of that, walking in the wrong direction, even going to the store and buying stuff I don't want and need, just because I don't want to look stupid leaving the store empty handed... :oops:

Few years ago, when I rode the bus, the busdriver didn't always let me off when I rang the bell... (at one point I thought it was something personal against me :lol:)
Instead of calling him and asking him to let me off, I would ride the intire route to the other side of town... :? ...and if I was ever asked, I would tell them I had fallen asleep and missed my stop....:oops:


Well-known member
haha this is great...not that u people do these things but that I'm not alone in acting this stupid way :lol: :lol:


Well-known member
I wasnt even sure about registering for this site until i read this topic and realised i have done very similar stuff. Its weird reading that other people do things that i thought were just my own little quirks.


Active member
I starved myself stupid and cut a whole in the world. I then pretended to be a clone of myself to avoid this bitch who wanted to talk to me.


Well-known member
When i stayed at the dormitory, i sometimes lied to my roommates about my nonexistent social life, so after school, i didnt wanna go directly to the dormitory, i wasted time on the subway :lol:, i let my station skip on purpose so i went all the way to the last station, then get back with the same subway. I used to do that a couple of times every day.


Well-known member
scatmantom said:
Ive walked up a road for 5 mins in the wrong direction rather than turn around because I thought people would think i was stupid for going the wrong way and having to turn around :lol: . Ended up going into a shop and buying a newspaper as an excuse to turn around! Was a while ago...wouldnt need to do it now thankfully as I'm no longer such a paranoid person :wink:

Lol, i do that too.


Well-known member
Niles said:
I starved myself stupid and cut a whole in the world. I then pretended to be a clone of myself to avoid this bitch who wanted to talk to me.

Hmm... i dont think she bought it...:p


Well-known member
Haha, I hid in a toilet once to get out of a lesson!!!
Well actually it was more than once :oops:
But the most awful thing that ever happened to me because of social phobia, is that we had a substitute teacher for the afternoon, and she mixed me up with a handicapped girl and put me in the special class for the entire afternoon, and I was way to shy to speak up and say she had the wrong person, so I spent the afternoon surrounded by other twelve year olds in diapers who drooled....embarrassment :oops:


Well-known member
Oh my god that's horrible, but i'm laughing. That would be embarassing as hell...and just strange haha.


Active member
i dont know the funniest/weirdest but the lastest one was yesterday...i was walking home from school and i wanted to stop at the grocery store to buy something....there was this place..javacity inside the store and i wanted to get a drink...but there where these girls (teenagers) sitting nearby and i didnt wanna go and ask infront of them cause i'd think they would here me and that id sound stupid or sumthing..so i walked around the grocery store for like an hours until they left....then i got my drink and left...lol

yea and i've hid in the bathroom many times it's sad really.


Active member
hmmm, this is just something recently... It sort of has two parts. I had a test in my first collage class, and I finished before most of the other students, but I waited till everyone else finished and left the classroom before I got up and turned mine in. I just pretended like I was checking my answers by flipping through the test pages and looking at the Scantron sheet. The second part to this is... since it was a test I got out of the class early, so my other class hadn't started yet. Since I had no friends, and nothing to do, I started freaking out inside. I felt so much anxiety. I had to leave. So I did. I left the college and didn't come back that day. I skipped two classes over nothing. I know that isn't such a big deal compared to some of the stuff you all did but that was the first thing I could think of recently. Though I don't have those classes anymore because of many different similar reasons... I withdrew.

edit: I just want to mention that throughout most of my school life I didn't do too well for many similar reasons to those. I remember a huge project in high school that was worth a huge amout of point, i believe 600, it involved a back board and a minimum of 15 minutes to present it to the whole class. I never did mine because of the presentation part of it. How could someone like me handle that situation!? Everyone must have thought I was such a loser for failing. I was the only one who didn;t do it in my class! I failed that class! I know this isn't wierd it's just pathetic and sad... :(


Well-known member
scatmantom said:
Ive walked up a road for 5 mins in the wrong direction rather than turn around because I thought people would think i was stupid for going the wrong way and having to turn around :lol: . Ended up going into a shop and buying a newspaper as an excuse to turn around! Was a while ago...wouldnt need to do it now thankfully as I'm no longer such a paranoid person :wink:

Same here as well. :?


Well-known member
Emma said:
Haha, I hid in a toilet once to get out of a lesson!!!
Well actually it was more than once :oops:
But the most awful thing that ever happened to me because of social phobia, is that we had a substitute teacher for the afternoon, and she mixed me up with a handicapped girl and put me in the special class for the entire afternoon, and I was way to shy to speak up and say she had the wrong person, so I spent the afternoon surrounded by other twelve year olds in diapers who drooled....embarrassment :oops:

I hid in a toilet too!!!! But that was WAY BACK in 3rd grade. ROFL
I had no friends then, and yeah.


I need more time to think of the funniest / saddest one but one thing I always did in college was this: if I was even ONE minute late to clase, I wouldn't go in, I just was not able to walk past everyone already sitting down, EVERY single eye following me, lol.

I usually was extremely early, like 10 + minutes early to each class because of this. But I also missed quite a few classes because of various things making me late.


Well-known member
Once I took the bus into school late and when it passed my school i was too afraid to reach my hand out and pull the string to signal it to stop. So I stayed on even though I was already late and got off at the last stop (the only one it stopped at, I live in a small town) which was the community college and had to walk all the way back to school.
Ive done many stupid things. Recently I had an exam and I arrived a little early and saw a group of students waiting outside the class waiting to be let in. I didn't want to stand around like an idiot so I went to the toilet to hide and ended up being late for the exam. 8O
I just remembered something else. I had a cold and I was sitting in class and my throat started to itch and then I started to cough. You know when you cough uncontrollably and need a glass of water to make it stop. I was trying desperatly not to make any noise. My face went all red and I was about to choke from my own flem..lol. All because i didn't want to get up and leave the room in front of everyone.