what is this site for?


I am not really sure why-apart from the social phobia thing- I joined socialphobiaworld. I don't know if I done it to make sure that there were really people like myself, or not. I'm not sure if its in hope of finding something that I haven't before-that will help me with my social phobia.

I think its a bit of both, or maybe finding out other peoples point of views and experiences of the condition. I say condition because I have been suffering from this my whole life and it is only in the last year or so that I actually heard the term social phobia.

I am 31 now and dropped out of college and various employment, not because I couldn't do the work but because in the class room I felt threatened over general gossip, and in the work place it was at lunch time gossip (I go red a lot). Most people think this is trivial but it made me give up on pretty much all of the things I enjoy most.

I like people a lot I just panic when I am talking when there is more than one person. I can rarely go shopping in town on my own, or if I do and a shop assistant speaks to me I blush and sweat a lot.

Has anyone dealt with these situations and overcome them or still trying to

I was wondering


Well-known member
I quit high school on my senior year and I didnt start socializing really till my junior year made a ton of friends dropped out and not one of them seemed to wanna talk to me afterwards. I've had few since then and only talk to one mainly but got 2 good friends but I did get my g.e.d only had two jobs since though sadly.

I can share some similarities though, I cant go out to town rarely to shop on my own either because I get all shakey and sweaty when it comes to being around alot of people, I cant hardly go up to someone and talk to them either though lol...if they come and talk to me I just mainly answer questions and try to think to hard of what to say to them to try and start a convo but I usually just am quiet unless they say something.

I do like people and want alot of friends again like I had in high school seemed afterwards my SA kicked back in really bad after I quit and found out like 90% of them didnt want to talk to me and the other 10% well dont even contact me even if I write them so kind of pisses me off that there wasting my time...

Gossip is bad though or can be anyway and I have had that happen at one of my jobs and some from school but most of them were a bunch of lies but cant do nothing about it really sometimes and some people are just *******s and dont bother coming up to you to see if its true or not but just make assumptions...

I want to goto college but no money/job and hardly to go outside unless I am with someone other than my mother I am 23 so ugh...Gossip idk about college but sure theres alof of it but theres always gonna be gossip at the work place whether its bad or good but I learned that though.

I have overcome them before but kinda went in rewind and trying to work back into getting the confidence lol.

What were you going to college for? Just curious dont have to answer though just interested.

Ms Cloud

Well-known member
I am 31 now and dropped out of college and various employment, not because I couldn't do the work but because in the class room I felt threatened over general gossip, and in the work place it was at lunch time gossip (I go red a lot). Most people think this is trivial but it made me give up on pretty much all of the things I enjoy most.

I like people a lot I just panic when I am talking when there is more than one person. I can rarely go shopping in town on my own, or if I do and a shop assistant speaks to me I blush and sweat a lot.
Do you feel inferior or unworthy to other people, or do you feel unfairly judged by other people? If it's the first one, or both, then you'll probably benefit from joining a social anxiety website. But if it's only the second one... meh. Not so much. I'm in that category myself and I have yet to find a place where I don't feel like an unwelcome guest.


Started studying electronics- worked for a company once a week went to college the rest. Only lasted 9 months. Still got a lot of hope as I am still fairly new at trying to fight this.

Got some inspiration that you managed to beat it once. I have a strong feeling that we're destined to a lifetime of struggles, thanks for your reply


Do you feel inferior or unworthy to other people, or do you feel unfairly judged by other people? If it's the first one, or both, then you'll probably benefit from joining a social anxiety website. But if it's only the second one... meh. Not so much. I'm in that category myself and I have yet to find a place where I don't feel like an unwelcome guest.
If I think about it a lot of the time I feel inferior and unworthy, but not both 100% of the time. Sometimes I can talk to somebody and feel okay, then even if its an hour later, I can start feeling inferior- stupid I know, I tell myself that all the time.

Glad I found a site that challenges you to express yourself, because even typing makes me self conscious.

Anyway, thanks for your comment I really appreciate it