What do you think about this?


Well-known member
I was thinking lately about coming up with things to do in order to get a life.

I was thinking about every Friday going out to a restaurant like Red Lobster and eating (of course by myself). I usually don't go to places like that because of all the people.

I also started a facebook account so I might be able to meet people. My brother could probably help me meet people this way. I have asked him if he knew any girls that I could "take out and spend money on". He said that he would get his girlfriend on it.

I have also thought about dating websites.

The plan is to get out of the house to beat my depression and possibly, possibly meet people. I don't think I'm going to meet anyone though, and if I do I will probably creep them out.

What do you guys think.


Well-known member
I think it's a great idea!!! Good for you!! :) I hope it all works out for you XD (And I'm sure it will ^^ )

And since you're just starting out on facebook, add me!! (fb: [email protected]) :)


Active member
Is there anything you like to do? Like hobbies? Maybe some sort of sport?

Check to see if your city/town has any weekly events that bring people that share a common interest together. That is a very good start. Having a common interest like playing basketball or football or photography can lead to great friendships. Also, coffee shops are pretty cool.


Well-known member
If you just go to a restaurant by yourself, u probably won't meet anyone, but that online dating idea is nearly a guaranteed way to meet a woman.


Well-known member
Sounds like a good plan to me <3

I like okcupid for a dating site (if you want to try one). I've been on a couple and that one's my favorite and it's free. Plus their studies are pretty interesting if you want to read their articles...
I think it's a great idea.
I wish I could join you.
And never say you'll look like a creep, or even think that, because it's not true.
You never know when you'll be minding your own business, and up walks a beautiful girl. She may be on the phone, and sit down across from you, smile, look at you and make gestures while talking on the phone.
It happened to me. I was alone too. But my dumb ass was too afraid to say hi.
Don't make that mistake.
Just go out and do it. You'll feel good.
That's a wonderful idea! 'Cuz u are trying to beat SA! ^^
Like toolShuggah said, I wish I could join u too! We could practice doing things in social places.
But eventually we have to do break it ourselfes.. (the vicious cycle, so it's even better to do it by yourself :))
But you can ask people to invite too :D

dating is a good way of social interaction too.. U can meet new people and train your social skills
and make friends/fall in love , that sure is great :]
hey,Good luck and keep it up this way :)

Flowerly ;)
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Well-known member
Yes it's a great idea! I often think about doing the restaurant thing once I'm an adult, not particularly with the intention to meet people, just to get out and have it as kind of a hobby. Online dating is also a good idea!


Well-known member
Hey!! It's good to see you on here again, I thought you left the site. It sounds like a good idea to me too. Even If you don't meet anyone, it will be something to do. I suggest a coffee shop. A lot of people go to coffee shops when they are bored. It would be more likely to meet someone there than at a resturaunt. It will also cost you less money. Plus at a coffee shop you can bring a book, which will give you an easy out, if you don't feel comfortable talking. I have met all kinds of people this way, and worse case scenario, you get some reading done. Good luck buddy.:D:D:D