what calms you down? (other than meds)

Cammomile tea. I dunno if I spelt that right. But I bring a portable mug thing of it with me when I leave the house in the morning. It calms me down, and it distracts me aswell if I've something to do with my hands, even if it's just holding a mug and drinking tea!


Well-known member
I've been doing some yoga recently and that's really helping to relax me, i do an hour in the morning after i get up and i find it sets me up for the rest of the day.

Music also helps me out, when i'm in here on the puter i always have some music on.


Well-known member
nothing really at the moment, just have to wait until the event happens and then I feel better when it's done, but I have heard exercise and yoga can be good.


Well-known member
Colouring, reading, chatting to a certain friend, music or laying in bed and trying to calm down my breathing and fall asleep.

Also my biggest help seems to be heat pads for stomach aches or periods. I just place it over the tight area of muscle and the slow releasing of the heat helps relax my tense muscles and calm me.
Relaxation songs
Taking a nice bath
Taking a shower
Watching a beautiful movie
Reading a book
Playing Games
Talk with my closest family or friends


Active member
Definitely exercise: biking or running, surfing, reading in the bath, just petting my border collie, talking to people on here (everyone is so so nice!), playing the drums gets a lot of stress out haha


Well-known member
ATM I am studying Zen.

The problem is I have a hard time emptying my mind due to the bazillion ADD driven thoughts. Hopefully someday I will overcome them and enter mindlessness.