Well hello there

Mr Motivator

Active member
Hey :)

Im Dazz and iv known about this site for a few years, signed up the first time in 2008 actually but never got round to sayin hey to anyone. iv had social anxiety for years, pretty much my whole life. im doing a lot better these days but during my 'recovery', if u can call it that, iv managed to push a lot of people away from me. so thought itd be coolies to sign up and help out where i can, and get to know some of u funky peoples :)


Well-known member
welcome to this site :) see you're from the north west of england...where exactly? cos i'm from the NW too!

Mr Motivator

Active member
hey thanks everyone :D haha il admit i was a lil nervous about signing up on here, felt a little like i was invading your guys turf lol but you've made me feel right at home :) and Prestonator - i take it you're from Preston? :p im not too far away actually, Rossendale Valley, ie. Death Valley as we affectionately refer to it :p


Well-known member
hey thanks everyone :D haha il admit i was a lil nervous about signing up on here, felt a little like i was invading your guys turf lol but you've made me feel right at home :) and Prestonator - i take it you're from Preston? :p im not too far away actually, Rossendale Valley, ie. Death Valley as we affectionately refer to it :p

nahh funnily enough I'm not, actually from carlisle if you know where that is? Further north than you!! Prestontor is just a take on my surname! Nice to see you are settling into the forum already. Hopefully joining it will help you!
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