*waves* just wanna talk to somebody.


Well-known member
I'm Mark.
I'm very quiet, and anxious.
I like Adrian mole books, harry potter books, his dark materials trilogy.
I really want a few people to talk to who understand what it is like to have anxiety disorders and depression.
I'm bored of being on my own.
I love watching friends! it's almost therapuetic---i can't spell..
I'm quite dependant, i am really crap at relationships.
i have a few very good friends but they don't really know or understand how i feel.
I am currently unemployed however i recently applied for a position at the library.
I live in Coventry.
I am trying to write in short sentances with this post because it was something to do.
oh also..i have hyperhidrosis, this means i sweat a ridiculous amount on my hands and feet, this has pretty much ruined any self esteem i had.
i loathe myself quite often...
but try to stay positive.
hope you are all well.


Well-known member
hey mark *waving back*..i feel much like you do and like you, i try to stay positive..certainly can't hurt :wink: i like your short sentence style..it's easy to read, and good luck with library position!


Well-known member
Hi mark,

you can talk with me if you like. Ive never read harry potter, im into old japanese stories and poems, like natsume soseki and i like neil gaiman. but i have really bad sa, social contact is a great move foward, isolation and too much time to yourself feeds anxitey, thats how you over analize things, esp yourself, its hard to explain, but try not to have an opinion on yourself when you put ur self down, force your mind to focus on something else, or help someone else, and praise yourself when you achieve something.

Im not working either, but take one thing at a time. Its good your thinking about it.
and i know what you mean about watching friends, i watch eastenders, i love sappy gentle sentimental movies, they make me cry.
Once you start talking to people more you'll start to feel better.

...I'm spending way to much time here :lol:

Don't be offended if i go a day without replying though, and never feel akward with me, if i offend you, tell me, not that i'd do anything like that on purporse, or feeling like you have to keep talking to me, no pressure, i had that once years ago in real life. i won't be badly hurt or get mad or anything.



Well-known member
Hey Mark.

I'm Sue.
I believe I don't really belong to this site as I do not have the SP (at least i don't think I do) Buttt.. I use to be quite anxious and behave a bit social-phobic from time to time... and I suffer from this weird depersonalization crap... which makes my life quite... bizzare. So I use to stick on SPW as i can relate to many stories of the posters in here.
I like Adrain Mole books, too. :D And I would be pleased to exchange some PM's with you.

So long,