University tutorials


Well-known member
im in my second year of uni... and im at the point where i feel like i have to quit... as one of my tutorials is horrible..

The teacher goes out of her way to ask everyone in the class questions... for some godly reason she managed to miss me this week... but i have another 14 classes with her... im sure she is definatly going to ask me next week to contribute and it will be a constant thing from then on... Its all too much to just break down someones security walls that quickly?

My other tutorial 25 % of my mark is based on class discusion..

I spoke to my psychologist and also Disability Unit and they can help me.. however my psychologist sounds like she wants me to not get away with it all that easily..

anyway im panicked....


i think it's great you have a psychologist at uni to help you out... wish i had one at mine!

really hope u are able to go through with the class, hard as it may be...


Well-known member
that sucks, I'm finishing my second year at uni and I've got one of those too. I;ve been through disabilities, spoken to the lecturer, tried all the avenues they say to use as a student and i'ts not working. I have to go to this stupid lab tomorrow morning and I don't want to go but I know if I don't I'll fall even farther behind which will increase my anxiety even more! I love my degree, but this one unit is making me seriously consider being at uni at all.


Well-known member
do not quit. I did and going back after many years was really hard. If you can just graduate you can know that you have accomplished something to be proud considering you did it with SA. some day you will be able to tell someone that you didn't quit even though you were in daily agony. very few will understand or appreciate this accomplishment, but those with SA who have been there, will hail you as a champion and will recognize you for your courage.


Well-known member
thanks for all the advice..

scooter, that sounds exactly like me..

i have the class tomorrow... im trying to read as much as i can to prepare for the class so i have something to say when she asks me a question... i guess pre script what i might say.. I actually really love what i learn in that class as well... but its turned into a class that makes me want to quit all together.

The other turorial for the same class is with a teacher who dosent ask questions to the class at all... im really aggrivated that i didnt get into that class.

I spoke to my psychologist last week and she is under the impression that i can really battle this... with just a positive attitude.. and even suggested that i dont even need disability support allowance for the class where 25 % of my mark is based on what i say in class... Someone who has social anxiety is at a clear disadvantage in these circumstances... not getting disability support would hinder my chances of applying for post graduate studies... it makes me think that she has no understanding of the position i am in at all..

seeing the school counselor wednesday... maybe they might have a better idea


Ya i had the same problem, and i some how overcame it. I used to get anxious if the lecturer would ask me something. I know how you feel


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel. When I was in college I had a psychologist through the school and most days I would go straight to his office rather than class.. I would tell the front desk lady it was an emergency because I would be having like a complete nervous breakdown just thinking about going in the room with all those people.. and my counselor would have to sit with me at least 3 days out of the week in his office and calm me down enough to where I would actually consider going, and then he literally had to walk me to the classroom and coach me outside the door just so I would go in... I was always like 10 minutes late for class which also freaked me out because I am the type of person that has to be obsessively punctual for everything. I hate walking in places late because it just draws everyone's attention in the room to you... but if it wasn't for my counselor I never would have graduated college... I bet I used to drive him CRAZY. If your normal one doesn't take you seriously you definitely need that one through the school.

And as far as the teacher that calls on everyone goes.. have you talked to her about it or had your counselor talk to her? I once had a teacher that was the exact same way and I just took him aside after class and explained the situation. I made up for the participation points I was missing by writing an extra essay at the end of the semester... unfortunately most teachers aren't as lenient and understanding as that one was for me. At any rate good luck! And hang in there.. I know exactly how tough and scary it can be. I nearly had a heart attack every day of my school career.


Well-known member
Yeah good point Devrium. Have you talked to the lecturer? I had to admit SA to one lecturer this semester, have to do it again this week to another one. It's not exactly easy but so far I've found them pretty understanding & compromising.


Well-known member
hey you guys rule... :) heh... what you guys said really brightened my mood... I have my first appointment with the school counselor tomorrow at 1pm.. fingers crossed it all goes well.. I was thinking that it would be best if he told the teacher my situation.. and maybe she might understand and be a little bit easier on me.. Some other people i know have the same teacher and they find her teaching style really uncomfortable and unnerving and they dont have SA.. and generally do talk in class...

anyway thanks again.. its really good to hear from people who have been through/are going through the same thing as me :)
hey you guys rule... :) heh... what you guys said really brightened my mood... I have my first appointment with the school counselor tomorrow at 1pm.. fingers crossed it all goes well.. I was thinking that it would be best if he told the teacher my situation.. and maybe she might understand and be a little bit easier on me.. Some other people i know have the same teacher and they find her teaching style really uncomfortable and unnerving and they dont have SA.. and generally do talk in class...

anyway thanks again.. its really good to hear from people who have been through/are going through the same thing as me :)

I think if you concentrate on the subject matter and your love of it, you will do well. My university experience was a heck of a lot of presentations and some of them are solo and some of them are group work. I remember being very anxious for this microbiology presentation as I'm not really comfortable with the groupmates.

But come the presentation time, I just concentrated on what I liked (the study of microbes themselves) and just talked comfortably from there. I believe I answered almost all the questions from the prof and other students because the other group members were silent. Well, like I said... if you love the subject matter, just focus on that. It helps.