Turning it around on everyone else


Well-known member
I have the tendency to judge the crap out of people sometimes to pull myself out of anxietyland. I know it's wrong and it's not good for developing into a friendly/respectable person, but it works... sometimes. Instead of wishing you were everyone else and admiring their lives, think about how they're all just a bunch of simple minded sheep flocking about in their meaningless lives - and how you're the -only one- out there who knows this fact and therefore you're above them, in the long run, cause you know that they don't know you know they don't know.
Who else tries to turn the negativity onto other people just for the sake of feeling better and having the last laugh or whatever crazy excuse you have for it?
Is that Neil Peart's drum kit on your avatar?

My subconscious judges people all the time. But I'm trying to be non-judgmental to myself and others. These people have no idea what we are going through. Everybody has flaws and problems, but I can't blame folks for being clueless about SAD, GAD, OCD, etc.


I know what you mean. i've always been a cynic, almost misantrophic, however i am sensible enough to understand that maybe this attitude is just a way of dealing with my SA, i just dont know to what extent can i relate this posture to this condition. is very confortable though...


Well-known member
sabbath92003 said:
Is that Neil Peart's drum kit on your avatar?

My subconscious judges people all the time. But I'm trying to be non-judgmental to myself and others. These people have no idea what we are going through. Everybody has flaws and problems, but I can't blame folks for being clueless about SAD, GAD, OCD, etc.

Danny Carey's kit... :)

Neil's probably wouldn't fit an avatar, haha


Active member
Instead of wishing you were everyone else and admiring their lives, think about how they're all just a bunch of simple minded sheep flocking about in their meaningless lives - and how you're the -only one- out there who knows this fact and therefore you're above them."

Haha...this must be symptomatic of all SPs. I do this like crazy. I scoff at people because I think they're so clueless and shortsighted--if only I had the luxury of being such a herd conformist, I tell myself sarcastically.

Of course, deep down inside I'm totally jealous...

Anyway, the judging takes it's toll, and I think it ultimately aggravates the problems inherent in SP. When you judge so harshly, you assume others are judging you just as harshly. It's sort of human nature. Like, if you're a chronic masturbator, part of you will assume everybody else is, too. In most cases, I think it's a rationalization to help yourself feel "normal". However, in the case of a SP, I think it intensifies your inclination to run away from prying eyes--which may not be the best solution.


Well-known member
Sometimes i believe that we are the ''normal'' ones. People who have to be with other people like sheep all the time get so used to it, they feel they need to rely on other people to make them feel happy, whereas a loner such as me have to learn to do things for themselves. Happiness in my oppinion comes from within.


Haha I had an experience with this today. Because I'm always acting like I know everything, my older brother sarcastically said, "man, if only I had a mini you with me all the time." Haha I replied with "You just have a problem with me being right all the time." This thread is spot on in describing the reason why I had this conversation with my brother today. It's like I think I know more than I really do, and that makes it seem like I really believe I know everything. Did I just describe overconfidence? Because I'm not very confident at all when things get social...



Well-known member
nah man. that's such a bad way of looking at it. i know people like that, they push everybody else away and end up becoming narcs to cover up the fact that they've really just despised themselves all along. besides, i'd rather be a nice guy than a jerk. that's the way i feel good about myself, i just realize i'm a damn nice guy and people seem to like me. maybe someday they'll convince me to see it the same way
Yeah, I mentally judge the people around me all the time. It's probably a need to find something that makes me feel superior in someway, otherwise I feel I'm left with nothing. I don't want to say I'm sadistic, but a really sick part of me almost likes seeing people with bad acne, people with weight problems, people with glasses, people who annoy other people. I think I feel the need to take them off the pedestal my mind puts them up on for assuming they have a life, so I can think "well at least it's not perfect".

Does that make me a bad person?