Treated like a child?


Well-known member
Does anyone else get treated like a little kid by their family or someone older who gets to know you after a while?

My family, especially my parents, treat me like i'm 6 years old. They talk to me like a baby, they don't take anything I say seriously, and they can't have a conversation with me - as if my opinion or knowledge isn't worthy of an adult. I don't feel good around my family any more. All I want is a little respect.


Well-known member
I don't have this problem in my family, but i do with everyone else i meet. In my work i look inefficient and inexperienced, with coworkers i relate to people with more authoritarian personalities better. It's about being self confident enough to express your opinions and who you are, which i am yet to discover.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say people treat me like a child but i feel un-developed in the fact that i have never had a girlfriend.


Well-known member
People sometimes treat me like I'm a child, not my family but others around me. I look younger than I am and teachers at my kids school have talked to me like I'm a stupid young mum. One teacher had a right go at me over my sons lunch box which ended up her jumping to conclusions rather than what really happend...she accused me of not feeding him properly...she said I only gave him bread and butter everyday. He had homemade bread, with loads of nice filling and fruit. He was eating it at break so by lunch he had nothing left. She didn't check her facts before accusing me outright, loudly in front of all the other parents. Errr, why didn't she check the other 2 kids I have at the same school and see they had lunch????? She reported me to social services which made her look stupid, they investigated and said I was a good mum. Oh and I have a diploma in nutritional medicine. Can't help thinking she wouldn't have done that if I didn't look young.

My dad always treated me like I'm stupid but I don't see him anymore.


Well-known member
I have that too with my mom, but putting blame and focusing on it won't help you. Just let it go and try to ignore it.