today i witnessed some pretty bad bullying

If it was at or near a mall, there was probably plenty of people around.

Like some of you said, in that situation it's a numbers game, and it really should have been up to everyone--not just 2 tall guys--to distract them until security arrives. Experiments have shown that a hundred soccer moms swinging their purses and jabbing their car keys can turn a small group of teen punks into a quivering pile of hamburger.

Yes =) but experiments have also shown that the more people there are at the scene, the less likely anyone is going to intervene, because everybody is waiting for somebody else to do something first. It's like they're being peer pressured to NOT act. "the bystander effect"


Well-known member
I was eating at the Cheesecake Factory right by the mall earlier tonight. Was seated outside in the patio area, so I was right next to all the people passing by on the sidewalk.

Heard a commotion coming from a crowd of people about 20 feet away... there was literally dozen black kids ganging up on a single Asian kid who was all by himself. All the kids present were about 15 years old. The leader of the pack was up in the face of the Asian kid saying "come on, meet me in the back so I can kick your ass bitch" blah blah blah.

The Asian was obviously scared shitless, At one point I could hear him on his cellphone pleading with his mom to come pick him up.

I was with my friend, we're about 8 years older and 2 feet taller than all these kids. Wouldn't have been hard to do what was needed to keep this kid from getting jumped. So we were contemplating whether to intervene or not, but then the commotion quickly died down and the black kids walked away.

I don't know what to say. The whole thing made me sick. I can't help but wonder what would've happened had the conflict escalated into violence.

Lets say that did happen. Lets say they all started jumping the Asian kid. What would be the right thing for me to do? It would've been impossible for cops to arrive in time, so it seems my only option would be to physically intervene..

What do you guys think?

Try to break up the fight, even if it means becoming apart of it? Or stand aside?

As scary as that situation was, I really doubt that things would have escalated. Chances are all the kid wanted to do is talk shit, act tough and build himself up in front of his friends. Not that it was okay for him to behave the way he did. People like that will back down to someone they consider to be a real threat. He most likely knew that the Asian kid wasn't going to go meet him out back especially when he was heavily outnumbered so he felt brave challenging a kid that was obviously scared shitless.

I've seen this happen so many times all throughout school. What I think is sad is that incidents like this lead people to be resentful towards black people and even racist. I knew a lot of kids who used to get picked on by blacks in school who hated black people. It's very unfortunate because then the good people get blamed too. Also possibly those kids might grow up some day and feel very bad about how they treated that boy and no doubt countless others. I used to get picked on every day on the school bus by black kids. I wasn't the only one though. They pretty much picked on all the kids who weren't Puerto Rican, mixed with black or black.
There was always that one kid who was the asshole and everyone just went along with him. I don't think the other kids teased out of cruelty. Only the leader did. He turned out to be a pussy just like most bullies. He once let his sister get beat up because he was too scared of the girl who was dishing out the beating.


Well-known member
i wish more people had a stronger sense of justice and would help others

My husband is one of those people who love to help those who are in need. He's not one of those stereotypical big guys who throw his weight around but uses his size and stregth to be a protector. Maybe it's all those hero comic books he has always been really into. ::p:
He has gotten into countless fights and trouble interfering with people who were being picked on. Judging from what I have seen, one gets into trouble for helping more than for doing nothing. It's f****** sad.


Well-known member
Id pull out my knife and ward off the bullies.

Then you'd get arrested for carrying a knife and the bullies will be long gone.

But I don't agree with carrying a knife since its a lethal weapon. I don't see why some people couldn't carry some pepper spray though, provided they were trained and vetted, sort of a community protector role, or for vunlerable people who have no criminal record for violence. You could have a licence to carry it so not just anyone can have it. Good or bad idea?

I think its mostly because the police don't want people protecting themselves, because it then shows they are not in control and it would be hard to prove the justification of using the spray, especially since the criminals have got all the rights.

UK law is so dodgy I'm not even sure if you are allowed to defend yourself in your own home anymore.


Well-known member
Noca said:
Id pull out my knife and ward off the bullies.
When I was 14, I once did pull a knife on 3 bullies when they cornered me in the cloakroom. They weren't so fuckin brave then. ;)

I think its mostly because the police don't want people protecting themselves, because it then shows they are not in control
Yeah, 'tis a case of the government insiting that they have the monopoly on violence (as well as who is allowed to be violent to who).

UK law is so dodgy I'm not even sure if you are allowed to defend yourself in your own home anymore.
Its luck of the draw. Chances are you may well get done. However, did you see this recent story? :D

I don't think the other kids teased out of cruelty. Only the leader did. He turned out to be a pussy just like most bullies. He once let his sister get beat up because he was too scared of the girl who was dishing out the beating.
Hahahaha!!! :)) Typical. :rolleyes: Served the wee **** right but. :D
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