The sweet sting of rejection.


Well-known member
I need to vent this, its killing me. Me and this girl met on new years and i got her number and shit. So we talked every now and then and went out on a date. After the date we talked and established we are both into each other and shit. I ask her out again for tonight but she tells me that she lives to far away and her parents are nuts about dating, i do not have my license.(she is 3 years younger 16-19). Anyway she says she doesn't want to start hanging out with me and start to like me then not be able to see me ever. She did apologize for leading me on and stuff but damn... now i know what its like to actually really like a girl. With my anxiety i think I tend to be way to persistent with girls....i get to attached then get disappointed when they push me away.

I know this is the last thing you want to read but i feel like shit right now and have no one to talk to. Thanks for reading.


Well-known member
Maybe you can hook up with her down the road when things are hopefully more convenient with parents, age, and transportation. By that time you both might be on to other thing/people, but if you aren't, let her know it's a possibility if she's still interested.


Well-known member
That's the painful thing about meeting girls and dating them, when they decide against their previous actions and ditch you for whatever reason. Nothing to do but forget about her and focus on the upcoming ones, believe it or not, but there are always someone else coming along somewhere in your life^^.


Well-known member
Yeah, Havocan might be right. Maybe it's best not to dwell on her. But who knows? If you both feel strongly enough, maybe you could make it work, but maybe I'm just being too idealistic.

Then of course there is the possibility that she had her own reasons for leaving you and just told you that other stuff to be nice about breaking it off.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies. I was just talking to her and she said we could still be friends and everything so I think the best thing to do would be to forget about a relationship and just see where a friendship could go, if anywhere. I was surprised at how shitty I feel about this though.


Well-known member
4seasons said:
Thanks for the replies. I was just talking to her and she said we could still be friends and everything so I think the best thing to do would be to forget about a relationship and just see where a friendship could go, if anywhere. I was surprised at how shitty I feel about this though.

Yeah, I've been there. That "almost girlfriend" thing... sucks. It's almost as bad as a break up, as far as I'm concerned. That shit happened to me 3 times. I do agree that we fall pretty hard on girls. And the "withdrawal" from the lack of a girl's attention is pretty bitter, no doubt.

But, in the brighter side, once you're over it, it makes you stronger. You learn how to handle rejection, which is important. And you learn girls' psychology; how they flip flop so fast at times.

A word of encouragement: even though it might not seem like you'll get over it, you will. Give it a while. Distract yourself if you can. Talk to other ladies if possible.


Well-known member
4seasons said:
I need to vent this, its killing me. Me and this girl met on new years and i got her number and shit. So we talked every now and then and went out on a date. After the date we talked and established we are both into each other and shit. I ask her out again for tonight but she tells me that she lives to far away and her parents are nuts about dating, i do not have my license.(she is 3 years younger 16-19). Anyway she says she doesn't want to start hanging out with me and start to like me then not be able to see me ever. She did apologize for leading me on and stuff but damn... now i know what its like to actually really like a girl. With my anxiety i think I tend to be way to persistent with girls....i get to attached then get disappointed when they push me away.
I know this is the last thing you want to read but i feel like shit right now and have no one to talk to. Thanks for reading.

That's fairly reasonable of her to say. At least she didn't reject you cuz you were ugly or somethin. I mean, there's a few actual real reasons she can't hang with you. Her parents and distance. That should at least make you feel a little better about losing out.


Well-known member
Look at it this way, if your the one thats 19 and she is 16 that is legitimate rape. If her parents find out they could report you or if you break up with her and she gets pissed she could report you, it isn't worth it. 10 years in the pen ain't worth no girl bro.


Well-known member
DaaaBulls said:
Look at it this way, if your the one thats 19 and she is 16 that is legitimate rape. If her parents find out they could report you or if you break up with her and she gets pissed she could report you, it isn't worth it. 10 years in the pen ain't worth no girl bro.
Hahaha, things don't work like that man. She would have to be out of her mind to do that, shes not that type of person anyway.

But yeah its a plus she had a legit reason not to see me, but at the same time my paranoia is making me think she was saying that to let me down easy.

I think what is doing the most damage is that its such a confidence boost for me to actually ask a girl out and stuff, when she told me it won't work out it was like all that confidence I gained just got shattered again so quick....I guess it is something to learn from though and build on.

..and thanks sleepy, I'll be fine haha.