The Secret


Well-known member
Yes the secret is very good. Just remember that thoughts without actions are useless. The Secret only works if you are doing everything in your power to achieve your goal through the practical actions you are taking.


Well-known member
I saw the movie about a year ago. For the first week after I saw it, my life was GREAT. My problems weren't solved, but I was sooo happy all the time, and so optimistic. But over time, my enthusiasm wore off...and it won't come back. I read the books, I watch the movie...but still nothing. I'm honestly just not motivated enough to use the law of attraction.


Confidence and positivity? You must be kidding, I just got the book by coincidence now and it has the effect pretty opposite. If the things there are true I am going to hell. Btw. IMO this book is very simplified, it can't work that easy and straightforward.