The Linden Method video


Well-known member

This was very interesting, I may well see if I can buy the actual video as I have seen so many amazing reviews and I really can relate to what Charles Linden says about anxiety. I have never believed that my SA is a mental illness which Charles Linden re-iterates many times. Kind of made me smile to hear someone else say this on the video - because on the other forum I got slaughtered for saying its not a mental illness. I even got a message from one person on there saying 'You are mentally ill :D ' How bad is that?

Anyway, you really should take a look and see what you think.


Well-known member
I am going to buy this, its £111 at Amazon, £118 at Waterstones, etc. But you would easily be able to sell it back on ebay for £80.

I will let you know how good it is!


Well-known member
charlieHungerford said:
I am going to buy this, its £111 at Amazon, £118 at Waterstones, etc. But you would easily be able to sell it back on ebay for £80.

I will let you know how good it is!

screw that just download it, if it works then purchase it out of respect. Thats how it works for me anyway.