The best way to describe your SP


What is the best way to describe your SP?

I really think this is an important question, because I hear a lot of different things, and i myself experience my "fear" in somewhat different ways.
I know that its different for everybody, and thats why its so important.
maybe we or a lot of us are too hung up on the "stamp"SP.


Active member
i have always described it as "an emotional cancer". It is hard to say but true. Terribly painful. It doesn' t let us live our lives 100% :cry:
Anyway, the day we get over it, we' ll realise we' re very strong people , who can bear the most difficult situations and win.


Well-known member
'energy absorber' cause at the end of the day,after so many bad thoughts i don't feel i can do anything more than just sit and do nothing


Stoochy said:
I actually mean describing your symptoms. What happens,how and when or where..

Scared to speak,
Voice goes a bit whispery - definetely not a confident sounding voice
Conscious of everyone wondering why I'm not saying anything.
My thinking goes shaky- I start a sentence without knowing where it's going.
Have an attention problem - can't pay full attention to my own train of thought - it sort of jumps around, imagining what people in the room are thinking.
Blush very easily.

Worst scenario:
people who I know I'll have to see again - but I'm not yet comfortable with (say colleagues after starting a new job)
People I know from a while back who I didn't get on with.

OK scenario:
fairly close family (e.g. cousins)
Complete strangers I doubt I'll see again.

Fine scenario:
close family, boyfriend, about 3 friends.


Active member
symtoms? trembling voice, rigid face muscles, sweat, general nervousness, sensation of choking, lots of them.
When?,whenever i am exposed to places where there are lots of people.
When meeting people, relatives included, friends, etc.
Where?, every where. In my work, in cafeterias, in bars, in commercial centers, everywhere i go :roll:


Well-known member
i view every social situation almost like a test of my performance. i mentally prep myself before, think about my social performance during, and critique myself after

im constantly wondering if im saying too little or the right amount
im wondering if people like what im saying
i sometimes feel numb and other times my stomach is in knots
i feel ashamed that i have this condition

it interferes with my life. i dont have confidence. i dont think of myself as a person with feelings sometimes

i compare myself to other people. i always make negative comparisons. i dont view myself as a normal person. i think theres something wrong with me past the anxiety

i feel hopeless and alone and constantly nervous


Active member
I panic and just want to get out of the situation..Like the whole time, all I'm thinking about is how/when I can get away :lol: I say nothing unless asked something and then only reply with one worded/short sentences that I only say because I don't want to just stand there and say absolutely nothing.. :lol:

I have a lot of trouble getting words out, I get extremely anxious, my breathing changes, I blush, I shake, my voice cracks, I can't look in the person's direction at all, especially in the eyes..

That's pretty much every social situation :lol: the only people I'm comfortable around are my close family..


Well-known member
When someone I'm not familiar with talks to me I just smile and nod and reply with boring one word answers. My voice changes enough you notice I'm not comfortable. I immediately go through everything I could possibly say which is long enough to cause uncomfortable silences.