Testimony to accupunture


Active member
Hi guys, I just read a thread on acupuncture and I want to share my story. I grew up in Taiwan and immigrated to Vancouver when I was 12. My symptoms started around 11, but I didn't really notice it until 15/16. I learned to cope with it for a couple of years before it got very unbearable. So, the summer of 18, I went back to Taiwanese for exactly 2 months. My mom brought me to this imminent acupuncture specialist in my area(who by the way cured my mild case of asthma and severe ear infection when I was about 5.) I had the treatment for a month and half(though, the doctor said it will probably take at least 3-6 month to fully cure it) with 2-3 treatments per week, while taking this herb medicine that has to be cooked in a pot every morning and night. The treatments were amazing. After the doc stuck the needle in me, my hands started dripping sweat. After the treatment, my hands and feet are always dry for about half an hour before it sweats again. So long story short, after a month and half of treatment, school started and I came back to Canada. The 3 weeks of school was amazing. I was 100% dry all the time. Then the symptons came back gradually. Right now, I am seeking botox treatment for short term, and get it cured when I actually have the time.
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Active member
I've never studied medicine or chinese medicine. i do have some knowledge in human biology though. I take on it would be by putting the pins in specific spots to stimulates the nerves of your body, the doctor can get your body to do things he wants that will not be achievable through your own brain. For example, get your bowel to move, etc. Just my theory though.


Well-known member
I don't get how western medicine works at all. How can swallow certain pills every day help? (And it ****ing doesn't)


Well-known member
According to Eastern medicine the doctor was improving circulation of your Qi and healing your deficiency of Yang when performing the acupuncture for problems like your (and mine).

More importantly, when the treatment stops or is being down trapped, you have to keep your Qi and Yang on a steady level. This can be done by performing acupressure or yoga/meditation, and by avoiding certain kind of foods while increasing other kinds of foods. I have two questions for you:

1) Did the Doctor tell you about keeping your Qi and/or Yang intact after you left Taiwan?

2) Did you drink any herbs together with the acupuncture?



I don't get how western medicine works at all. How can swallow certain pills every day help? (And it ****ing doesn't)

How can it help? Its chemicals, exactly what we are made up of. Us humans are just sacks of chemicals so it would make sense to use chemicals to control chemicals.

Different medicines work differently. For example Benzodiazepenes work on your GABA, a neurotransmitter in your brain responsible for brain functions related to anxiety. The benzos start to work within 20-60 minutes (depending on the benzo) by making you feel really calm mentally and slowing your heart rate physically.

Benzodiazepenes have over a 90% chance to work which is more than any herbal or non medicine treatment can say for anxiety. Enough benzos will put you in a coma. Somewhere between nothing and a coma is anxiety relief.

Theres many other types of medication than benzos, they just work on different neurotransmitters.


Well-known member
You are only partly right.

To begin with, there is no cure for hyperhidrosis in Western medicine. The doctors are not even agreeing on what is the cause for it. Many reports state it is inherited, it has to do with an over active Sympathetic Nerve System etc, but there is no consensus on what causes hyperhidrosis, let alone any chemical treatment for it. There are several medicines which relief the symptoms to an extent (Robinul, Driclor, Maxime etc) but that is totally different from offering a cure.

You are stating an example on anxiety, which I know less about, this is after all a forum concerning hyperhidrosis. But as far as I know, there is no viable chemical cure for anxiety either. If so, why do new medicines keep coming all the time?

Our body is not made up of chemicals to the extent that you are proposing. Blood and water makes up the vast majority of our body mass. And this is what Eastern medicine focuses on; to correct the flow of the blood and improve the lost balance of the different elements in the body. Eastern medicine, in contrast to Wester medicine, have a clear explanation to what causes hyperhidrosis and there is consensus on how to treat it.

You state yourself that you can get into coma when taking this medicine you talk about. For me, it is unbelievable how people keep taking such shit when there is so many testimony on the efficiency of Eastern medicine to treat hyperhidrosis.

But, then again, I was myself a victim for those chemicals before. All side effects really made me feel shit and today I am treated naturally, with better results, lesser complications.


Well-known member
Everyone knows that most "natural remedies" are bullshit and if they have any positive effects it's probably due to the placebo effect. I've even read that certain natural remedies do more harm than good.

Modern medicine is far more advanced and much more effective than any 1000yr old medicinal techniques. You should know better.

Natural is NOT always better. Shut up and stop spreading your *possibly* life endangering misinformation.


Well-known member
I don't see the reason for your stand. "Everyone" doesn't no that natural remedies are bullshit -- why would Hong Kong government spend hundreds of millions of dollar on an annual basis to further develop Chinese medicine treatment if it is of absolutely no benefit? And why is there no cure for hyperhidrosis if Western medicine are so superior and efficient?

I have one question for you: How much do you know about Eastern medicine? Have you at all read about it etc.? It doesn't make sense to wave something away so heftily if one doesn't have knowledge about it.

Fine that you tell me not to spread life endangering information, while yourself highly recommend something that can bring you into coma. Nice one.

You are a perfect example of "West is best" mentality. But that's fine, of course you can chose your own approach and treatment, totally deaf eared to other testimony.
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Active member
According to Eastern medicine the doctor was improving circulation of your Qi and healing your deficiency of Yang when performing the acupuncture for problems like your (and mine).

More importantly, when the treatment stops or is being down trapped, you have to keep your Qi and Yang on a steady level. This can be done by performing acupressure or yoga/meditation, and by avoiding certain kind of foods while increasing other kinds of foods. I have two questions for you:

1) Did the Doctor tell you about keeping your Qi and/or Yang intact after you left Taiwan?

2) Did you drink any herbs together with the acupuncture?


The doctor didn't tell me anything about Qi and Yang stuff. I did drink some herb with the acupuncture. I stopped doing it after I left Taiwan though, which is probably the reason why I am sweating again.


Active member
Everyone knows that most "natural remedies" are bullshit and if they have any positive effects it's probably due to the placebo effect. I've even read that certain natural remedies do more harm than good.

Modern medicine is far more advanced and much more effective than any 1000yr old medicinal techniques. You should know better.

Natural is NOT always better. Shut up and stop spreading your *possibly* life endangering misinformation.

Woa, what's with the hate, aren't we all victims here. To point out, modern medicine isn't necessary better. From what I've read and from what my "western" doctors told me, a plausible cause of hyperhidrosis is due to the fact that the resting potential of the nerves in your sweat glands are too high. Therefore, any stimulant will cause it to pass the threshold and causing the neurotransmitters to bind to the post-synaptic binding sites and causes sweating. In order to prevent this, "western" doctors give you medicines that will basically causes hyperpolarization and lowering your resting potential, which may work on some people. However, you've missed the fact that no "western" doctors understands the real cause of hyperhidrosis. Most guess it is due to genetics, but there are no definite answers. This is where "Eastern" medicines comes in. Chinese medicines in particular base their theory on the fact that human body functions as a whole. Your hands are sweaty doesn't necessary mean there is something wrong with your sweat glands. Instead, it is a sympton of what is going wrong with your body. So they treat you for what is wrong, instead of cutting off your nerve cord like they do in "western" medicine, which doesn't solve the problem. To back this up, just try to explain why there is compensatory sweating for almost every treatment used by "western" medicine.

In my opinion, western medicine is great for surgery if you are in a car accident for something. However, if you want to cure a long term condition, "Eastern" medicine is the way to go. After all, it has been around for at least 5000 years. They had way more time to test their theories.