Taking a self-improvement course for men


Well-known member
I am going to take a course in male self-improvement and attracting women. In other words, i'm going to join a 'dating coach'.

It has taken me a long time to come to this decision, and it makes me super nervous just thinking about it and typing it but I think that every guy that thinks he has no hope in the world at becoming an attractive man should consider this.

Basically what you do is sign up, pay this outrageous fee, go to different meetings and seminars where the dating instructors talk to you about all the techniques and strategies, then they take you out to some night clubs or take you to a busy place like a mall where they walk you through all the steps of walking up to, chatting with, and developing attraction in females. So they basically hold your hand through it all. But not before pointing out all the things you already have going on in your life that are sabotaging your chances (ie. your clothes, your hair, your posture, your speech). They help you improve your social skills and build up your confidence. Actually... im counting on that.