Stuck in your situation, or scared of the future?

Who here is stuck in a boring repetitive, overly stable life? I'm not, but that's what I'm afraid of. I'm still in high school, and I don't really know what's going to happen to me once I have to live on my own. Unlike most people here, I'm also lazy, picky, and a bit spoiled in addition to my SA. Let me know if you are too. I've been pretty sheltered, and I don't know what's going to happen to me. I don't want to go to college really (for academic reasons), I'd rather go to a music conservatory. So that won't leave many jobs open for me. I wish there was an option where I could just live in a cave, cause I feel like if I don't go through some major changes, it's all gonna be downhill.

So, are you stuck, or do you fear what your future will be?


Well-known member
I definately fear the future.
I started college 3 weeks ago, and now all I can think about is the fact that in less than 2 years i'll be moving away to university. Away from everything that's stable and predictable :lol:

I'm liking your cave idea :wink:


Well-known member
I'm in the future now and I'm stuck with a job I hate. I have not sure I can get another one. And I think everything will be the same forever.


Well-known member
Have you ever heard the song "That's Not Me" by The Beach Boys? It's on their Pet Sounds's your situation exactly. It's about moving on, away from a life that is familiar to you and into a future that can be frightening.

You're not alone, lots of people go through these feelings. People of all ages.

It takes time and experience, but if you can learn to change your perspective on things, life won't be so scary. I promise.

Try to look upon the future as an adventure. When you go down one road, certain things will happen to you. That road will then lead you to other roads where you will have to make other choices. Those choices may be bad...but they can also be great!

This will happen to you whatever age you are and wherever you are in life. I know it sounds corny and extremely "self help booky" (God, I hate those things) but "feel the fear...and do it anyway!"


Well-known member
I'm with you, DayTripper. Scared of the future, lazy, spoiled, scared to figuratively (and maybe literally) get my hands dirty...


Well-known member
I am afraid of the future, even though I shouldn't be. I'm so worried that I'll be alone forever.


Well-known member
I have a different problem. I'm actually stuck in a risky, unstable life and I need to make changes so I can balance myself out a little. When I think of leaving it all behind or making changes I get scared because all I can envision is being locked into some boring 9-5 in an office surrounded by people I can't stand, doing things I don't want to do for a small hourly wage. What a waste of time that is! So I continue on in a job where I have tons of freedom, but am no longer making the kind of money I used to make and am getting tired of the people who hassle me. I am both stuck and scared, but I am trying to be bold and make changes. It's hard, but if I don't do something I will always be stuck in this position...or worse!