Staring Problems


Well-known member
Ughh.. dont you just hate it when you're just sitting there and doing your work, nothing real interesting, a group of people or somebody just keep staring at you. In my american studies class, we have to sit facing other students, and they all watch me all the time like I'm an alien. Same with in my English class,.. when I watched the boy back for watching me, he just sat there frowning all the time.

It makes me feel really uncomfortable. All through Jr. High and High school, people watch me like they can see through me. Even my goddamn teachers! so yeah... sucks doesn't it? it makes me get all bitchy and say "look, I know you're strong, and normal and you can make perfect eye contact. But why am I always your target?"

How about all of you guys? I'm fine when people just take a glance or look at you for awhile. But when they look at you too much, in a snobbish or weird way, it really turns me off.


Well-known member
Have you considered the idea that people aren't actually looking at you and it's only your anxiety what makes you feel like you're being stared at constantly? It's one of the problems I have. I usually feel like everyone is looking at me,then turn my head to look at them just to realize they are looking at something else.
If that's not the case and you know and are sure that they're looking at you ,then maybe they're looking at you because you're also looking at them!
I mean, how could you be completely sure they're looking at without looking at them?


Well-known member
Ever considered the possibility that they are looking at you because they find you attractive, or would that not work with your senario? I don't know exactly how they are staring at you.


Well-known member
Warlock said:
Ever considered the possibility that they are looking at you because they find you attractive, or would that not work with your senario? I don't know exactly how they are staring at you.

No, I'm pretty sure that's not it. But maybe you're right, people have different opinions. It's just i dont think it was like that in Jr. High. Everybody thought I was ugly and they'd even say it to my face. Then one boy who said that, just gave me his cold cocky look.


Well-known member
Teenagers aren't known for thier emotional maturity, just try not to let it get to you, they're not worth getting yourself upset over what they might be thinking and odds are they're probably not intentionally staring at you anyway.


Well-known member
red_reagel said:
Ughh.. dont you just hate it when you're just sitting there and doing your work, nothing real interesting, a group of people or somebody just keep staring at you. In my american studies class, we have to sit facing other students, and they all watch me all the time like I'm an alien. Same with in my English class,.. when I watched the boy back for watching me, he just sat there frowning all the time.

It makes me feel really uncomfortable. All through Jr. High and High school, people watch me like they can see through me. Even my goddamn teachers! so yeah... sucks doesn't it? it makes me get all bitchy and say "look, I know you're strong, and normal and you can make perfect eye contact. But why am I always your target?"

How about all of you guys? I'm fine when people just take a glance or look at you for awhile. But when they look at you too much, in a snobbish or weird way, it really turns me off.
hey red_reagel...i know just what you mean, i hate at work when i notice i'm being stared at..makes me really uncomfortable, then i act all awkward and shit..then get stared at more :evil: