South East English Social Anxiety Meet Up???


Well-known member
Would anyone from the South East possibly be interested in meeting up? I am in serious need of some friends here lol! I thought it might be a nice idea if a group of us met up maybe?

* I meant SE ENGLAND, lol!


Well-known member
I would consider it. I'm in SE London. What few mates I had now have their own familes so rarely see them, I have no g/f, so the opportunity to make new friends must be a good thing I guess? It also depends on some other factors, like where, and how many of us? (the smaller the group the more comfortable I would be). PM me if you want.
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Well-known member
That would be cool :) I want to get a few more people interested in this thread and we should arrange a meet up group or something once we get to know eachother a bit better. So would anyone else be interested?!


Well-known member
Has anyone ever been to an meet-up with other SA sufferers? In my mind I have this image of us all sitting there awkardly looking at our shoes! :bigsmile: But that's just me being negative. Hopefully we can help bring each other out of our shells.


Well-known member
Don't be so negative, nightcrawler! :p Hm, we really need to arrange this!! I will put my thinking cap on.