something that bothers me !!


Well-known member
ive been feeling like shit these past few months. I dont know why, but ive just been thinking about my future and shit. The thing that bothers me is "school", and having a career. I dropped out of high school due 2 my SA, and have made no atemps to go back bcuz i know that if i go back i wont even get thru the first day, it just sucks. I feel even more depressed, bcuz i have someone that is interested in me that has a career and is outgoing, happy and successful, and im the total opposite of that. It just puts me down, and goes thru my head all day long at my shitty dead end job working, 7 bucks an hour, 12 hours a day taking shit from the rich ass bosses. I just feel like shit, bcuz i cant do anything about it, well! i could, but whats the use, its the same ol' story, i try and try, and its just no use, the only thing keeps me going and giving a shit about life is that daam girl thats interested in me, i love her so much, but i cant get out of my head that im a loser, and she deserves better than me, life just sucks, and i dont even know what's the point of living it, theres no cure for this shit, i just have to live miserable until the end comes


Well-known member
I'm sorry that you feel that way. You know there may not be a 'cure' as such but i do believe that things can get better. You know this girl obviously doesn't think that you are a loser or otherwise she wouldn't be interested in you - right. If only we could get that through our heads - i know what it feels like to be in a relationship with someone and constantly have to fight that thinking. But if you are with someone that makes you feel loved then it is worth the fight. I don't know what else to say - i'm sorry - other than to try and lose yourself in this girl who you love.


Well-known member
God probably put that girl into your life to motivate you to begin improving yourself. It's not too late, you know. You think you're a loser, but that girl sure don't!

You're not a loser, you just made a few bad choices (which can be undone). When you call yourself a loser, you are giving up on your future, which can still be improved (therapy for the SA, night-school for the diploma and later, bachellors degree).

Hope you do the right thing and help yourself, instead of working against yourself (by calling yourself a loser). Pretty much all of us here have made mistakes like this, so we know what you're going through!

btw0- Night school is always an option, may be easier to do it that way instead of going during the day, with all of it's social cliques.


Well-known member
God probably put that girl into your life to motivate you to begin improving yourself. It's not too late, you know. You think you're a loser, but that girl sure don't!

I guess god hates me then. :(


Well-known member
Me, too, if I choose to think negatively like that (I'm 32 and haven't had a girlfriend since high school). Whenever I do, though, it takes me further away from the solution to my problem. Sorry, didn't mean to offend you with that post, but I do think there is something to positive thinking. Positive thinking doesn't mean false confidence, it just means looking ahead and making improvements in yourself and your way of thinking as opposed to focusing on the bad things in your life.

I'm not perfect, I have my bad days when I begin wallowing in my self-pity, but as I work on my way of thinking, I find those days happening less frquently!


Well-known member
I feel even more depressed, bcuz i have someone that is interested in me that has a career and is outgoing, happy and successful, and im the total opposite of that

That girl accepts you, likes you an even LOVES you the way you are, i don't understand why you feel even more depressed. It seems logical to me that if the person you love loves you back, there is one big point in living.

But i guess we have different ideas about happiness :roll: