Social Phobia and Prom.... (SPP)


Active member
Hello friendly people! This is my first thread posting on the site. I've been kinda going through an mental and emotional rollercoaster with my conscience for the past year or so. Before posting, I was looking through some past threads to see if anyone had ever brought up the issue of going to prom, but I found none. (There probably are some on here, but given the nature of so many posts that are created per day, I may have been looking for another day or 2 before coming across 1). So I decided to make one myself. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone through this "Prom Issue" (although my situation maybe a bit different from yours due to experience, it all ties down to the same thing). If you have gone through this though or soemthing similar, I would be immensely grateful if you would leave a comment of advice. :D OK, see if you guys can help me out with this delima.....

Alrighty, my school's Prom is coming up in just 1 week. I already have my ticket, a stunning prom suit, and shoes to match. I wasn't able to get a date, or to be more precise, I was too scared to ask any girl out (thanks to my anxiety, i would actually cringe at the thought of asking a girl out). I asked two of my best friends who are girls, but they both had dates and unfortunately they're attending the prom of another school (>_> traitors.... lol). My best friend said that he wasn't going because him and his girl were going somewhere else in place of Prom.

Anyway, I'm stuck now bcuz I'm too scared of going alone. I fear embarrassment, people talking about how i look, and any stupid thing I may do or say (And i can't dance either...). I never got to know anyone else besides my 3 best friends while in High School. Sad, I know, but Ive tried to overcome my Social Anxiety ever since i noticed it in 7th grade, but i never did. In fact, High School only made it worse, and it was at the start of my senior year about 6 months ago that it peaked. Now, I just become paralized with fear over thoughts of taking to anyone of my classmates or just any social situation in general. So many people have made unpleasant and rather nasty comments (outloud) about me. I'm ugly, I'm quiet, I'm a loser. If i walk in front of group of girls, they get spooked and they say cruel jokes about me the whole night and go around telling people really nasty things about me so that everyone quietly laughs at me make jokes themselves (this happened at Homecoming earlier this school year). I was so embarassed that I just went home after that night only to find out the next day that some people took very embarrasing pictures of me with their mobile phones and posted them on their Facebook pages. Myconfidence as a person when stepping out in the world has plummeted and I kno it's very unbecoming of young man but i can't help it. I experienced one of the most feared situations of a sufferer of SA and i have been scared.

So in short, i really want to go to prom because I've heard of stories about people who don't go and come to regret it for many years to come. I was somewhat confident about going and just leaving shortly after, so that I could at least say I showed up because my friends were going, (until they sprang this news on me at the last second).
Now, I'm seriously thinking about returning my ticket and suit and just 4getting about it. Its been in my mind since the start of this year, and the closer it is to the event, the more anxiety has come along. I haven't been able to think about much else, I can't focus well and i haven't been able to function at 100% while in class because of this and what happened at homecoming, and I have even lost a severe amount of sleep over it (off the top of my head I can count at least 6 nights where i stayed up and never fell asleep). I can't handle a repeat of Homecoming... God, that'll probably kill me......

Sorry for the long story, but I just really need help. Whenever I go to another person about this (a close relative or trusted personal), they just tell me to 4get about it and just go and have fun. Besides, everyone else will be too busy enjoying their magical night to focus on lil old me right? But i also thought the same homecoming night, and I can't help but feel that history will repeat itself becaue this is the 2nd time (I had a very similar experience in 7th grade that started it all). Again, I kinda do wanna go, becase they say that prom is a magical night that you carry with you for the rest of your life. But I'm afraid that I may just skip out and go back to school the following Monday just to hear all the seniors and juniors talk about how awesome it was.

So..... umm, yea what do you guys think? Should i go? Should i not go? What would you do? Any comments, or questions, concerns and advice would be greatly apprieciated. Thank You...

PS: Also, if you have managed to muster enough strength to go to Prom yourself, or if you've gone already then I'd love to hear your stories and opinions. :)
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Well-known member
Welcome to the site. If I were in your shoes I wouldnt go because if none of your friends are going and you haven't got a date, your probably gonna be bored the whole time and feel uncomfortable being there.


Well-known member
I didn't go to prom, and I've never regretted that decision. Paying hundreds of dollars to put on uncomfortable clothes and sit alone and anxious for hours watching other people have fun? No thanks. BTW who was the genius who decided the most uncomfortable clothing should be reserved for the most uncomfortable situations? That guy should be punched in the face.


Well-known member
I went to homecoming quite a few times, either alone or with a few friends. Both times were, to be honest, boring as hell. Probably because I didn't have a girlfriend to go with.

By the time prom came around, I was depressed around that time anyways, and figured that: at least in homecoming, there's more than just lovey-dovey couple-going stuff there. At proms, that's almost all there is to it. If I was bored before, I would just simply hate being there. Especially since my friends (except for one) weren't going to go. So I just didn't care, and never went. I don't really regret it. Call me apathetic, if you wish. I wanted to waste my time elsewhere.

Based on your circumstance I'd advise not going, but that's just me. I'm not sure exactly, because of how much money you may have spent preparing for prom; it's also not a good thing to have that money go to waste. But to go there and just be bored or even depressed as a result, isn't any better.


Well-known member
Mine is in less than a month now, I think.... I'm not going with anyone which isn't a big deal to me. What makes me most anxious is all the photos and stuff that are undoubtly going to be taken. I've never really been too excited about my appearance, but especially on camera... I just end up looking so uncomfortable. Annnnd, the fact that I don't even have a dress yet... hm.
I actually went to my prom because my friends wanted me to go. I thought it would be ok because I would be with my friends but I was bored out of my mind most of the night. I think my friends only wanted me to go so they could see me looking like an actual girl, but I ended up renting a tux anyway. It was funny though because everytime I went the girl's bathroom everyone screamed because they thought I was a dude :D Anyway, it may be better if you don't go, it's really not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. My prom was three years ago and looking back I would not regret it if I didn't go. If you think that prom has the potential to be a traumatic experience for you it is probably better to avoid it rather than put yourself in a situation that could make your SA worse.


Pirate from the North Pole
I didn't go to the prom either, in fact the idea of going never came through my mind... No, I never regretted it, but I dropped by the after-prom party (which was nothing different from every other parties), and my friends told me the prom itself was basically bad food, bad music and aweful ambiance, and that I didn't really miss anything. So maybe you can do that too - ask your friends if they are going to a party after the prom - and drop by, and you won't feel like you didn't do anything to celebrate graduation.

And by the way, welcome to the forum
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Active member
Thanks for all the comments. U guys have helped me out alot!
@megalon- lol i know rite? :
@ latte - it's all good, no worries and i'm a senior. U ddn't go to prom but i'm sure u used the nice attire for a better (and probably more important) occassion, or u will at some point. and yea i totally agree with ur 2nd point
@Shant- wow, i'm sorry that homeocomings were boring 4 u sux... and i need not worry, i already had the suit and the tickets at my school (Thank God!) are refundable.
@lunarla- I am the same way when it comes to pics, in fact I'm probably much worse. But I'm pretty sure your beautiful even if your a lil camera-shy and your very brave for going :) Go enjoy urself beautiful... no need to be afraid 'cause u'll take cute ones I'm sure. ;)
@Just_Visiting_This_Planet- I see.... and a tux walking into the girls bathroom? XD i can imagine the look on their faces when they screamed lol
@Pacific Loner- Yea, i asked and their just going home afterwards, so I guess I'm gonna do the same. BTW Thanx 4 the warm welcome! :)